The Chattanooga Times Free Press employs a lot of questionable people, on of them is gun-hater David Cook.
His article, “Mirror Mirror on the wall” is not about guns, but it displays subtle communist views.
Here’s a few:
Inequalities are canaries in the societal coal mine. The center won’t hold under such conditions.
We have orchestrated downtown with million-dollar condos and townhomes. Soon, construction begins on a $100 million riverfront pleasure of cottages and apartments.
Yet a stone’s throw away, there sits a housing project that needs millions in repairs.
And our city has no homeless shelter.
We are the most Bible-minded city in America. We erect 100-foot crosses by the interstate.
Yet we have obscene poverty rates. Nearly one-third of citizens live below the poverty line, almost double the national average.
We are white.
And black.
But rarely both.
Our councils and commissions and companies are headed by men. Nearly every election ballot is stuffed with male candidates.
We need a revolution, some head-turning movement that completely blows up the status quo of school-thought. Our schools need to turn into hubs of medical care, health education and cutting-edge instruction, each precisely operating off a bold mission statement that is anything but status quo.
Of course, David doesn’t have the guts to admit being a communist, yet he demands equality of results, how telling that the lovers of “diversity”, the very people who should support the variety of the human condition, despise it.
They want us to march in lockstep like little Nazis, like the Cuban Juventud Rebelde (Rebel Youth). We can’t be black and white, he wants us to be both; we can’t be poor and rich, we can’t be skinny and fat, instead he demands that we all become the same. If he had his way, every woman would become Ms. America, perhaps every man in the name of gender-equality.
I’m surprised he didn’t quote Marx, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Those of us that understand the evils of communism know the evil in that line. If those of us with ability work for those with needs, then having needs becomes better than having ability. This is why both communism and socialism fail, if being a loser is rewarding, why be a winner?
I invite you to visit the Chattanooga Times Free Press Facebook Page, and let them know what you think about Cook’s column.
They’ll probably ignored you, but maybe you’ll education an independent or centrist, so your efforts won’t be for nothing.
Illinois was prepared to spend a total of
$100,000,000.00 on a “library” to honor David Cook’s hero-Barrack Hussein Obama-and to house the great man’s memorabilia. I haven’t heard David tell us that money could be used to feed and house the homeless. And we won’t hear it.
It’s bad enough Obama’s gonna get a presidential library, but now this? Unbelievable. It sucks to be a taxpayer in Illinois.