Gun Haters use Babies Holding Guns in their propaganda


Yesterday I was reading a book about blogging and Facebook marketing that mentioned how people respond more to a story or newsfeed updates if you show a cute baby or animal.

Well, John Aravosis, the gun hater of AmericaBlog (should be called Un-AmericanBlog) is using the same technique in his blog: Dems kill assault weapons ban

Check out the cute armed babies he got from Shutterstock.


kid with gun

boy with gun kid child

child gun control

Yet here in the gun community, we don’t need to use stock photography because we have real kids with guns.

Shyanne Roberts

New Jersey - -(  Shyanne Roberts, an unassuming and precocious nine year old Honor Student from Franklinville NJ is quickly building a reputation as the next rising shooter in the competitive shooting world.

Not to mention 5 documented stories of kids shooting home invaders. Not that the liberals care, they would rather see parents murdered and children rape than give law-abiding Americans a fighting chance against crime.