Giffords the Confiscator: Four out of Five ideas involve just that


Gaby Giffords is the the Freddy Kruger of gun owners, A Nightmare on Main Street. Here’s why:

The report begins with the fairly innocuous idea of to removing “loopholes” where they exist between states and the federal government regarding information on the mentally ill. But after that, the focus turns to confiscation:

Idea Two: “Authorize law enforcement to remove access to guns, with court oversight and plenty of protections to prevent abuse of this authority.” The owner of the guns would “only” get them back once he or she was “no longer a danger to themselves or others.”

Idea Three: “Require schools, including colleges and universities, to report violent or suicidal people to a court or administrating agency.” These people would also have their firearms confiscated, but “could regain their firearms access…after a certain period of time.”

Idea Four: “Allow courts to issue ‘Gun Violence Restraining Orders.‘” These result in temporary gun confiscation.

Idea Five: “Temporarily ban those who have been involuntarily hospitalized from purchasing or possessing firearms.”


My response:

Idea Two:  People who are a danger to themselves are none of your business, those who are a danger to others belong in jail or a mental institution. Not in our streets. The guns are irrelevant. You trust them with cars, right?

Idea Three: Nobody’s going to visit the school shrink if it means getting reported. Let psychologists use their own judgement. It’s the same reason we don’t put people in jail for catching AIDS.

Idea Four: Why not a Knife Violence Restraining Order? Plastic forks for everyone!  This idea is beyond silly. Restraining orders are a piece of paper, bad people will violate them.

Idea Five: Chris Kyle was murdered by a man with mental issues, yet show me anyone in the gun rights community that wants to deny people of their gun rights?

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