One Response to Enjoy Guns T-Shirt: Just $16.95

  1. […] Tacky but clever: My obsession with top breaks has grown over the past month. I have been looking at them a lot these days at work and may have to buy a Smith, H&R or an Iver Johnson someday. Then have PHLster make me an AIWB holster for it. I’d buy one that needed some work done to it. I’d re-blue it and soon I’d be carrying it every day. Or maybe this will be mine one day: I think PHLster is up for the task of making a holster for it. It’s not every day that you see a Lambo like that! Always nice seeing that on the street after a long day. So what if we want to wrap a Jeep? Recently, Simon and I have had a bit of a Kryptek obsession:   Jesse cuts a hole in a block of mahogany: I’ll post a picture when it’s all done. In like a month… […]

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