Getting a gun is proactive. Gun control is reactive.

Here’s an interesting quote:

Protecting myself with a gun is not academic

“Tina Wilson-Cohen, a former Secret Service agent who founded She Can Shoot, a women’s league with 10 chapters and 3,000 members across the country, said 90 percent of women who joined did so because ‘they’ve been a victim at one point of their life, of stalking or date rape or domestic violence, or they have just felt so vulnerable, and they want to feel competent and like they can protect themselves.’”

A pro-gun secret service agent understands that threats aren’t prevented by laws, they are prevented or stopped by people. Preparing yourself for a hurricane by boarding up your windows makes more sense than hoping the hurricane hits elsewhere, or that you can escape one time. It’s the same with weapons, and I’m glad She Can Shoot is getting more women to embrace the 2nd Amendment, even if I wish they had embraced it before they had been victimized.

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