Here in Tennessee the Chattanooga Times Free Press attacked our pro-gun legislators in an editorial entitled “Redneck reality TV has nothing on the Tennessee General Assembly”. Amazing, isn’t it? The same stupid liberals that demand sensitivity and political correctness would use “Redneck” as a negative. Well, I wonder what they will think of Florida and their pro-gun bill.
State Rep. Dane Eagle (R-Cape Coral) introduced HB733 the Second Amendment Protection Act, which declares that no agent of Florida state or its political subdivisions “may participate with or assist federal agents in the enforcement of federal firearms laws, or provide material support of any kind to federal agents in the enforcement of these laws. The law would stipulate that state agents and/or contractors who knowingly participate in or provide support for the enforcement of federal firearms laws would be subject to dismissal.”
“The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution expressly provides that all powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states. Time and time again, Florida has proven that we have the best solutions to our own issues, whether it be healthcare, education, or our balanced budget, which is accomplished without raising taxes. When it comes to protecting our fundamental Second Amendment rights guaranteed by the Constitution, I believe it is best left to be handled by Floridians for Floridians,” Rep. Eagle said
Now I don’t know if this bill will pass, but I’m glad they’re taking a stand.