FBI claims to have prevented 150 mass shootings.

Bill Clinton bragged about the Brady Bill turning felons away, now Obama’s FBI is engaging in similar tactics.

The FBI says it has helped to disrupt or prevent nearly 150 shootings and violent attacks this year, in part by steering potential gunmen toward mental health professionals. It’s an achievement that stands out during a year when U.S. President Barack Obama made curbing gun violence a priority, yet has had little success in getting new restrictions enacted.

The centre is staffed by agents and analysts of the FBI, the U.S. Capitol Police, the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco and Explosives and a psychiatrist. It helps the local officials assess the threat the person of concern poses. And then the centre recommends how to proceed. Depending how far along the person is on the “pathway to violence,” Simmons said, the centre makes recommendations based on the specific case. The recommendations could be arrest, if the person is involved in illegal activity, but most often, it’s getting that person access to mental health care, he said.

Source: http://www.leaderpost.com/news/disrupts+shootings+attacks+through+intervention/9323849/story.html


The Colorado movie theater shooter was getting mental health, so how do we know mental health works? We don’t. As for the FBI, did they have evidence someone was planning a mass shooting? Maybe they found an online diary, Facebook postings, and so forth? Or are they just relying on hearsay?

Here’s what we know, the liberals need to sell Obama, not just to us but to their comrades. That’s a hard job when “One year after the deadly mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school, the White House’s biggest efforts to curb gun violence – attempts to reinstate the assault weapons ban and expand background checks for all gun purchases – failed without congressional support.”

I’m sure Obama will try again in 2014, 2015, and 2016. Barry is a stubborn old mule, unlike Billy, he doesn’t learn. So let us remain suspicious, here’s a good rule of thumb: If the government said it, it’s probably wrong.


2 Responses to FBI claims to have prevented 150 mass shootings.

  1. Sort of like 0bama’s claims regarding jobs created or saved by the stimulus… they can make anything up when they don’t have to prove it. And the MSM allows it because they no longer practice investigative journalism, but rather are content to be cheerleaders for the admin they helped elect.

    • That’s exactly right, not that different from that global warming propaganda. Sure, 97% of climatologists believe in it, 97% of them also get government grants ONLY if they do research supporting global warming.

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