Don’t sneak it and you won’t get shot

A father shot dead his daughter’s 17-year-old boyfriend after finding him in her bedroom at night.

Police said Johran McCormick died when the girl’s unnamed father mistook him for an intruder and shot him in Harris County, Texas.

The 16-year-old girl allegedly snuck Johran into her room without permission. Her father was then awoken by one of his four children, who told him there was someone else in the house.

According to detectives, the man then picked up his gun and went to his daughter’s room to investigate.

After finding Johran there, his daughter immediately denied knowing him, leading to an argument between him and the boy.

Her father called police before an argument broke out. He then opened fire when the teen dropped his hands as if to pick something up.

Police said Johran, who died at the scene, was unarmed.

His mother Zakia told KHOU 11 News on Friday: “I have never felt pain like this. Ever.”

“He didn’t deserve to die like that.”

Harris County Officials have said they will present their findings to the Harris County Grand Jury for its consideration.

Actually, he did deserve to die like that.
1. He snuck into a home that didn’t belong to him.
2. He didn’t have the common sense to lock the door to avoid being caught.
3. He had the audacity to argue with the father
4. He probably tried to pick up something to strike the father
5. He did all this knowing dad had called 911 and had a gun

Now I won’t deny this isn’t my favorite example of armed self-defense, optics are always better when the perp has a gun or a knife. However. a man’s home is his castle, during the Roman era the Pater Familias was so powerful he could dissolve marriages and reject newborn babies. Today we live in a youth-worshiping culture where elders and betters don’t get the respect they deserve. We have teenagers disrespecting their parents, boyfriends unafraid of the wrath of their girlfriend’s fathers.

Maybe this shooting can teach those dumb teenagers a lesson. Just like Trayvon learned you don’t go around punching people, Johran now knows that getting jiggy with it is not a good idea at her daddy’s home.

Now I’m not a prude, but boys, keep your pecker in your pants unless the woman you’re after is free from encumbrances.

One Response to Don’t sneak it and you won’t get shot

  1. “Maybe this shooting can teach those dumb teenagers a lesson” NOT A CHANCE!! Since the dawn of time, stupid people pay the price. In Texas we call it “culling the herd”. Stupid people do not learn from the mistakes of others. Some of them end up paying the price, like this idiot.

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