Don’t shoot yourself at the gun range.


Let this be an important lesson in gun safety.

A 14-year-old girl accidentally shot herself Thursday at a gun range in Brevard County, the Sheriff’s Office said.

The girl, whose name was not released, was with her father when the accident happened about 3:20 p.m. at The Gun Site indoor range, 125 S. Banana River Drive in Merritt Island, a sheriff’s spokeswoman said.

WESH-TV reported that the girl shot herself in the thigh.

The injury was not life-threatening, deputies said.

Now I’m not going to blame anyone here, I wasn’t there and the article didn’t give us much. But I’ll say this, when I take a friend to the gun range, I watch him shoot, if he’s new to guns, I make sure he’s being safe with them.

Frankly, in all my years of shooting I have yet to shoot myself. Even when I do holster drills (remove gun from holster as fast as possible and shoot it) I’m always extremely conscious of gun safety.

The Gun Site Range has some cool gun quotes on their website, but at the end of the day, individual gun owners need to remember they are being watched, they are being judged, and the actions of one can affect many of us.

If you want to piss off the gun haters, do it with open carry, not by shooting yourself at the gun range.


I believe each individual is responsible for his actions, I refuse to be judged by the actions of a 14-year-old girl, but I know how the enemy thinks and what they do.


2 Responses to Don’t shoot yourself at the gun range.

  1. I go there all the time. Owner is soft spoken, very courteous and always willing to help. He is so safety minded he has no employees, if the place is open he is there. Video cameras at each lane and he watches. If someone acts like a cowboy they are asked to leave. I feel terrible a precious little girl is injured. Pray she heals soon and there is no emotional impact on her. Would like to think she here better and right back to the range. Bet she does not repeat the mistake.

    • It’s nice to hear from someone that knows the range. I agree, I hope she recovers and continues shooting in the future.

      How much do you pay to shoot there? Is it a yearly fee or $10 per visit? When I lived in Florida I used to go to Big Al’s Gun & Pawn in Miami. By the time I was done paying for the run rental, a box of 9mm, ear protecting rental, and targets, I was in the hole for $40 to $60 (sometimes I shot .44). Now that I own my guns, I’d like to say I’m saving money, but with the price of ammo being so high, I’m not.

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