Don’t Rob the Family Dollar.

I don’t know why Alabama gets a bad rap, here in Tennessee I’ve seen more than one person say “well, at least we’re not Alabama.” After you read this story, you’ll wish more people would act like this hero did.

Family Dollar Customer Shoots Robber Updated: Wednesday, November 13 2013, 10:57 AM CST UPDATE 10:30AM: Mobile Police say a customer at a Family Dollar that was being robbed shot the suspect multiple times. Police say the suspect got into the store while employees were unloading a truck. The suspect grabbed one of the employees, forced him to the front of the store and demanded money from the register. While holding the employee at gunpoint, police say a customer fired his weapon and hit the suspect suspect multiple times. A second male subject was seen running from the store. The injured suspect was taken to the hospital. Upon release, he will be charged with robbery first degree.

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Kudos on the the marksmanship, Mr. Customer, it’s people like you that prove the Bloomberg’s and Obama’s wrong everyday. How sad that to the gun grabbers, robbers who get shot count as “victims” of gun violence.

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