Democrat Tester deserves anti-gun reputation.

Here’s an interesting letter to the editor:

Dear Editor,

“Gun control advocates believe in mandatory mental health screening for those who purchase guns, something the NRA fully supports.”  With a false statement like that, it is a wonder why Andre Zollars thinks Democrats get a bad rap for being anti-gun. Please source where that came from. I can’t find where the NRA believes this. Democrats have a well-deserved reputation for being anti-gun, however. They continually prove it every time this subject comes up. They claim they just want a few “common sense” laws, meaning to give up your right to own a gun or freely use your Second Amendment rights.

Senator Tester says the same thing. He claims to be pro-Second Amendment, but then votes for the Manchin/Toomey bill (leading to gun registration) and helps pass an extension on the so-called plastic gun ban law. When I asked him why he voted for the gun ban, he responded that it has been used to ban many plastic guns from being made so they can’t pass through airport security. Since he must have access to much more data than I do, I asked for a list of those gun designs that were banned. It has been a couple months, but I am still waiting for the list. This is a feel-good bill that does nothing.

These are just a couple of examples of the many ways the Democrats have a well deserved reputation for trying to destroy the Second Amendment.

Much of Ms. Zollars’ letter is positive, but as a Democrat she may have served her point better if she had acknowledged her party’s history of trying to limit our Second Amendment rights.

Scott Welsh



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