Crazy Moms Target Staples.

On May 31st, 2013 I told you about how Staples rejected a gun business from one of their contests. We were angry, the only thing we got from them was an apology but no contest. Now Staples is in trouble again, this time from bitchy gun-hating mothers.

“After their original letter to Staples CEO Ron Sargent fell on deaf ears, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is stepping up their efforts to shame Staples into banning guns in their stores.

As Breitbart News reported on September 26, Moms Demand Action tried to follow up on Starbucks’ quasi-ban on open carry of firearms with a plea for Staples to ban guns altogether. But nothing has come of these efforts to date.

Digital Journal reports that Moms Demand Action is now stepping up their efforts. The gun control group has cited how “an accidental shooting in Staples earlier this year demonstrated just how dangerous the presence of guns can be” to call for a store-wide ban.

What Moms Demand Action does not say is that the “accidental shooting” was not a crime–no one in the store was injured other than the gun owner who shot herself in the hand, and the police filed no criminal charges. 

Nevertheless, Moms Demand Action remains focused on Staples. They are calling on the office supply retail chain “to immediately” become a gun free zone by “[enacting] a policy to ban guns from all of its stores nationwide.”

This demand ignores the danger law-abiding citizens face when placed in a situation where they are required to be disarmed; see Ft. Hood, the Aurora movie theater, and the D.C. Navy Yard. In such gun-free zones, criminals know they face no opposition and no threat of facing a victim who is capable of defending himself or herself.”
Source: Breitbart


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