Hoplophobia refers to the irrational fear and hatred of weapons. For those who don’t know, there was Staples was hosting a best business contest and they decided to ban a gun store from participating. Well, through the power of social media, we got this apology from Staples.
“We heard you! At Staples, we value all of our customers and appreciate your feedback. We now realize the rules of our Push It Forward contest were too restrictive and kept out legitimate businesses. Unfortunately, we can’t change the rules once the contest is underway. But we will revise our rules to make sure future contests are more inclusive and reflect our commitment to helping all small businesses.”
Not good enough, Staples. The right thing to do would be to either restart the contest or let gun businesses participate.
For the time being, I will continue to patronize Office Depot.
Here’s my advice for Fortune 500′s, there are 85 million gun owners in this country, and we don’t just buy guns and ammo. We buy all kinds of things, shop at all kinds of businesses, need all kinds of services and if you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.
[…] May 31st, 2013 I told you about how Staples rejected a gun business from one of their contests. We were angry, the only thing we got from them was an apology but no […]