Gun haters are always telling us to keep our guns locked and secured, but as we can see from these stories, we’re better off training our kids how to use our guns, and leaving at least one gun unsecured, and ready for them to use.
#1: Oklahoma: 12-Year-Old Girl Shoots Home Invader
Kendra St. Clair, was home by herself when a man rang the doorbell to her Bryan County, Okla., home. She didn’t answer, so the trespasser walked to the back of the house and kicked open a door. St. Clair called her mother, who advised her to grab the family’s gun and hide, according to an interview she gave to local broadcaster KFOR-TV. Authorities said that the girl found the gun and took shelter in a bathroom closet…Bryan County Under Sheriff Ken Golden told KTEN that the intruder worked his way through the house and to the bathroom, and he was turning the doorknob to St. Clair’s closet when she fired through the door.
According to a 2010 survey by the Daily Beast, Oklahoma ranks as the 12th “most armed” state in the nation.
#2: North Carolina: 14-Year-Old Shoots Unarmed Burglar
Henderson, N.C. — A 14-year-old Henderson boy calmly described in a 911 call how he shot an intruder in a home invasion last week.
“I just shot the man. He came around the corner. I shot him. He broke the whole glass out (of the back door),” the teen told the 911 dispatcher.
#3: Arizona: 14-Year-Old Shoots Armed Intruder
#4: Harris County: 15-Year-Old Shoots Fights Back with Assault Rifle (click for video)
The teenage son of a Harris County Precinct 1 deputy shot a home intruder Tuesday afternoon in the 2600 block of Royal Place in northwest Harris County, deputies said. The 15-year-old boy and his 12-year-old sister had been home alone in the Mount Royal Village subdivision when around 2:30 p.m. a pair of burglars tried the front and back doors, then broke a back window.The teenager grabbed his father’s assault rifle and knew what to do with it.
#5: Texas: 11-Year-Old Fights Three Intruders with .22 Caliber Rifle
An 11 year old boy uses a .22 caliber rifle to fight off 3, masked home invaders, saving himself, his mother and a sibling in the process. One of the home invaders was in critical condition after being shot by the boy. The other 2 fled after being fired upon.
These are but a sample of stories I found, you can Google “child shoots home invader” and you’ll see several.
Are you serious? Have you had a frontal lobotomy?
I showed you 5 true stories of children who have used guns in defense of themselves and others. All stories are verifiable, all have source links, why can’t you debate that instead of leaving bullshit comments? See? This is why liberals are so infuriating.
Do you prefer the 12-year-old girl not to shoot the home invader? Do you want he kidnapped, raped, and dumped in a ditch? I don’t! That’s why I’m glad she was trained in the use of firearms, I’m glad she shot that bastards.
P.S. Niccolo Machiavelli was a horrible human being, read some Ayn Rand instead. The ends DO NOT justify the means. Machiavellian morality is immoral. Randian morality is moral.
If all you’re saying is that there are examples where children and guns have led to good outcomes, then sure. But there are probably more of the others. We don’t give children guns for the same reason that we do not give them to insane people.
And as for NM, ends justify the means is the Wikipedia version. Basically meaningless. Actually read him. Ayn Rand, by contrast, would love you. A spineless shill for capitalism, making money off of guns of all things. Drug dealers have a slightly higher moral standing. And she’s not a real philosopher. According to anyone.
All I’m saying is that if we did everything the anti-gunners tell us (don’t have a gun, if you have a gun keep it locked, etc), these kids would be dead, kidnapped, raped, etc. Gun haters love bad news about guns, but they never pay any attention to the good news or dismiss them as isolated incidents.
The difference between Ayn Rand and Machiavelli is that the later was amoral while the former proposed a morality based on self-interest. If for example my end is to make money, my means isn’t to steal it or go on welfare, but to be a producer.
I also don’t make money off guns, I don’t have a license to sell guns, I have a blog, I sell a book, I accept advertising on my blog, I make money of that, and not a lot. Of course, my primary motivation isn’t money in this case, I simply enjoy blogging about the 2nd Amendment,
As for drug dealers, they are victims of a system that claims to respect individual rights while making collective decisions such as telling everyone “you shouldn’t do drugs because they are bad for you, and we The State are going to be your mommy and daddy and tell you how to lie your life.”
A drug dealer can be moral if A. He doesn’t cheap his customers. B. He doesn’t still. C. He doesn’t use force to get his way.
The parents of these kids need to be commended! Teaching our kids not only firearm safety, but also how to shoot and respond under pressure, is key!
Good for them!
That is why I plan to teach and train my children
I commend you, and I hope they never have to use those skills, but if God forbid evil came to your home, your kids will be ready to fight it.
[…] story is no fluke, I can show you 5 other incidents of minors shooting bad guys, in fact, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. If you do your own Google search you’ll […]
[…] I wrote Guns and Kids Do Mix, I showed 5 stories of minors who used their family’s guns to save themselves and […]