Why R.J. Winans left the NRA


There are some people we don’t need in the NRA, GOA, SAF, or NAFGR, R.J. Winans is one of them:

Over the last decade, we have been reminded of the terror firearms become in the hands of the wrong person. These tragedies heighten our indignation toward groups like the NRA because they are the foremost advocates of the Second Amendment. The NRA and its executive vice president Wayne LaPierre’s response to this animosity has been heartless, unclear and detrimental to the organization.
Source: http://chimes.biola.edu/story/2014/feb/03/why-i-let-my-nra-membership-expire/

What part of “armed guards in school” and enforcing our laws against the mentally ill is unclear to you? As for the response after Sandy Hook, the NRA exercised a self-imposed media blakout while they were searching for answers. That’s not heartless, that’s way too heart full. I was pissed off at the time because our enemies were trashing us and the NRA responded with silence.

The reason I let my membership expire — a difficult decision to make — was because LaPierre’s tenure as face of the NRA had become too harmful.

“This guy doesn’t have what the human resources gurus call ‘people skills,’” is how retired gun lobbyist Richard Feldman described LaPierre. While I do not always agree with Feldman, his observation of LaPierre summarizes my biggest issue with him and his leadership of the NRA: He does not know how to relate in a non-combative manner.

Richard Feldman is a sellout who wrote an anti-gun book designed to please Oprah and the other gun haters. LaPierre has a PhD, is a brilliant writer, has had many successes in his career, and if it wasn’t for him, America’s gun laws would be similar to those of Australia or England.

The NRA has a public relations problem. LaPierre has managed to drive the organization into an endless schoolyard-yelling match with leading gun control advocates and, really, all of America.

If it was not learned at recess, it will not ever be learned: Yelling does not get you anywhere, especially when you are at the helm of one of the most hated groups in America.

It seems when LaPierre is put on the defensive — which has been the case of late — he flails hopelessly and creates a negative perception of an otherwise thriving, helpful organization.

Yes RJ, it’s called the mainstream media, they have always hated the NRA, they will always hate the NRA. Yet if you haven’t noticed, the NRA membership has double in New York, what does that tell you? Maybe if you watched a little more Fox News and a little less MSNBC you’d realize that the only people that hate the NRA are liberals, our future lies with the center and independents. As for yelling, we’re the ones being yelled at!

 If the NRA spent more time showing the good they do in educating America about gun safety and combating gun violence, they would be better received. Unfortunately, this is not how LaPierre has run the NRA.

The NRA has made the Eddie Eagle program available to every school in America, you’d know that if you read America’s First Freedom.

As for compromise, which is the thing all Quislings desire, show me any other group compromising at this point? Only RINO’s and cowards compromise, real men fight for what they want, not matter what it is.


Banning imitation firearms won’t save lives

13-year old Andy Lopez was walking around with an Airsoft rifle that looks like a real AK-47, a sheriff decided to shoot first, ask questions later, although it is true that the boy pointed his gun at the officer.

Now SB199 is advancing: “Senators approved the Imitation Firearm Safety Act on a party-line 22-8 vote, although several senators from each party did not vote. It now goes to the Assembly.”
Source: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/01/29/california-lawmakers-advance-proposed-ban-on-imitation-firearms/

Just because Sen. Noreen Evans (Democrat) said that “A toy should look like a toy” doesn’t mean the Government should get involved in the toy-designing business.

As you can see from this 1962 Matel commercial, a real looking toy gun does not usually result in cops shooting kids.

This bill is nothing more than the continuing wussification of our kids, we live in an upside down world where a transgendered teen has right to pee in the wrong bathroom while our All-American boys and girls are told to play tug-o-peace instead of tug-o-war.

This bill also violates the First Amendment, if burning the flag can be protected as free speech, the same argument could be made about toy guns.

The death of Andy Lopez was tragic, but our kids should not lose their freedom over an isolated incident. When a kid drowns, we don’t ban pools, when a kid scares an officer with a toy gun, we shouldn’t ban toy guns. Parents simply have to tell their kids how to behave themselves with others, and if they don’t do their job, so be it. I’d rather live in a free society where a kid dies occasionally than in a slave society where nobody dies. I am being facetious of course, in any society kids and adults will die because it’s impossible to prevent 100% of the deaths no matter what you do.




Tennessee Traitors: Meet the 4 Mayors that oppose Guns in Parks


Don’t let their southern drawls fool you, the mayors of Chattanooga (Andy Berke), Knoxville, Nashville and Memphis are opposing pro-gun legislation by Sen. Stacey Campfield, R-Knoxville, legislation that “seeks to strip local governments of their power to keep firearms out of public parks.”

“When I was in the Legislature a central part of what I fought for was local control,” said Berke, who was elected mayor last year. “This gives people the chance to decide what’s best in their own community. By taking away that right, the state Legislature would be saying there’s only one way to do that and Nashville knows that way.
Source: http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2014/jan/30/berke-against-loosening-strictures-on-guns-in/?local

Isn’t this the same kind of argument segregationists used in the 1950s and 60s? How is Berke different than the Kluxer who doesn’t want blacks and whites mixing? Sorry Berke, but there are issues that go beyond state’s rights or city rights, the 2nd Amendment is a NATIONAL RIGHT. As Campfield explained: the Tennessee Constitution has a provision providing “the legislature shall regulate the wearing of arms” and that it “doesn’t give us the authority to delegate that down to the local governments.”

There is one trouble aspect, however;

It says handgun-carry permit holders can bring their firearms to any of those areas unless there’s a school function.  

I don’t get the school function exception, why make it easier for the mass shooters by creating an unarmed environment? But if you understand the philosophy of “death by a thousand cuts”, then perhaps this is a stepping stone towards greater freedom.

Republican Gov. Bill Haslam, a former Knoxville mayor, reiterated his opposition to the bill. “My concern … is this isn’t just a Second Amendment right,” the governor told reporters. “It’s also a question about how we determine what the owner’s voice is and what happens to that property.” Cities and counties “bought those properties with their own tax dollars,” the governor said. “And I think that’s the proper place for a decision to be made, is according to who actually owns the property.”

With Republicans like him, who needs Democrats? It’s true that he has signed pro-gun bills in the past, but he’s dropping the ball on this one.


Review of 20/20 Young Guns.


20/20 wanted to have a “conversation” about guns, not the right to own them but asking your neighbor if he has a gun, keeping them in a safe, an experiment with kids to see if they’re following Eddie Eagle’s advice, a few gun accident, some stories of armed self-defense, and a quick interview with the Armed Citizen Project.

Well, we are having a conversation on Facebook, here are some of the most popular comments.

Take the curiosity out of the equation. Teach the kids, let them touch it and hear it fire. Under supervision of course. That’s what my parents did for us and we NEVER tried to play with them. We also knew not to mess with dad’s stuff for fear of a spanking. I turned out just fine.
I’m a firearms instructor and mother of 5 kids. I teach my children gun safety everyday, but I wound never put my firearm in a bucket of toys and expect them not to play with it! The adult that placed it there is the irresponsible party! Lock them in a safe!
I live in Indiana, have 4 adult children, 2 boys and 2 girls that grew up around guns. I have carried a gun for years. I’ve found that supervised shooting cures the curiosity. Although you must always keep your firearms LOCKED in a safe when not on your person or at the range. Never leave a gun, even unloaded where a child is able to touch it. If every gun owner followed that common sense rule, many tragedies could be prevented. IMO
I don’t think that’s the conversation ABC wanted, but the good news are obvious. The pro-gun side is not shutting up, bending over, or compromising, and even a liberal network like ABC has to interview it to remain relevant.