Buying a gun is not a warning sign of suicide

The following got printed in a college newspaper:

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s (AFSP) website, a person committed suicide every 13.7 minutes in 2010, making it the 10th leading cause of death.

How would you know if someone is in danger of doing harm to themselves? The AFSP website lists the following warning signs many people show before they take action: looking for a way to kill themselves, such as hoarding medicine or buying a gun, showing rage or talking about seeking revenge for being victimized or rejected, losing interest in things or losing the ability to experience pleasure and being socially isolated and withdrawn from friends, family and others.

I’m sure 99.99% of people have engaged in one of those behaviors at some point yet they’re still alive. Guns are bought and sold everyday, suicide is extremely rare although there are gun ranges that don’t  rent guns to single men due to suicide fears.

One Response to Buying a gun is not a warning sign of suicide

  1. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Buying a gun is a warning sign of suicide... | The Gun Feed says:

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