Black Gun Friday.


Black Friday isn’t just for cheap deals on big screen TV’s. Guns are the things to buy according to RT.


According to the Huffington Post, gun sales have declined since the early months of 2013, but gunmakers are hoping Black Friday represents a significant turnaround, and numerous retailers are offering firearms at a discounted rate.


How do we know this? Because…

Over the last two years, the day after Thanksgiving has seen a surge in gun sales. In 2012, Black Friday resulted in such a large wave of requests for background checks – a record 154,873, to be exact – that call centers at the National Instant Criminal Background Check System suffered from overload and outages. That was a 20 percent increase over the previous record-setting Black Friday in 2011, which saw calls for 129,166 background checks.


What’s more, since the FBI doesn’t track individual gun purchases, the ability to buy multiple firearms at once means there could be even more weapons sold than the number of background checks indicate. As of October 31, the FBI has recorded requests for more than 17 million background checks this year.

Walmart is offering discounts and Cabela is giving away a rifle  to the first 600 customers. Wow, a free gun. Hope it’s not a 22 or a BB gun, LOL.

Although retailers said that first-time buyers and women made up a significant portion of gun buyers last year, a study released by the National Opinion Research Center in March showed that gun ownership per household in the United States has fallen to a record low of 34 percent. During the 1970s, about 50 percent of American households owned guns.

If you have a study that disproves that study, post it in the comments. Folks, we need to get those numbers up.

Despite the drop, however, gun sales are still strong. The founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, Shannon Watts, told the Huffington Post that whoever does own firearms in the US now likely has several weapons.

“The reality is that in America, fewer people are owning more guns,” she said. “They have to keep marketing to [gun owners] to buy more weapons.”

And we shall support the marketing, you gun banner!



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