Beretta Pico for Female Runners

I’m not a girl and I don’t like to run, but the Beretta Pico seems like a great gun for concealed carry even when you’re wearing Lycra.


It’s a smart ad, and a .380 gives you greater stopping power than a 9mm. I like seeing the gun next to the smartphone, that makes a great point about size. The girl looks good to, realistic, and considering what happened to that Central Park Jogger all those years ago, the woman who got raped by a pack of thugs, it sends the right message. Our women will be strong, armed, and ready to face any danger with the gun of their choice.

Click to learn more

P.S. Beretta isn’t paying me a penny to promote them, I’m doing this out of my passion for guns and gun advertising.

2 Responses to Beretta Pico for Female Runners

  1. “The .380 gives you more stopping power than the 9mm.” So, same bullet, less powder results in more power?!

    References please?

    If that’s the case, why did the FBI just come out with a report from their years long study that there is no such thing, really, as “stopping power.” And, determining in the final analysis that the 9mm is the best overall handgun cartridge for LE purposes?

    • You are correct, however, there are advantages to the 380:

      “A number of micro 9mm pistols I’ve tested range from quite unpleasant to downright uncontrollable in a realistic string of fire. A gun of the same size but loaded with softer-shooting .380 projectiles is much easier to control and results in more rounds landing accurately on target in a shorter period of time. We’re back to the idea of shooting more rounds to any given level of precision.”

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