Armed Voting Denied to Alabamian

Only thing that pisses me off about this article is that they use a quote from the NRA to attack us.

ALABASTER, Ala. (AP) — An Alabama gun rights supporter who took a loaded pistol to the polls got to vote, but only after putting the weapon in his pickup truck.

John David Murphy wore his holstered 9 mm handgun and two ammunition clips into First United Methodist Church of Alabaster when he went to vote in the Republican primary Tuesday.

The church, like other precincts, had a sign in the door saying firearms are prohibited. But Murphy argued with a poll worker that his constitutional right to openly carry a weapon trumps a state law allowing guns in public places unless a sign is posted.

Poll workers called a deputy, who made Murphy put the gun in his truck outside before voting.

Murphy says he’s going to complain to county leaders.

The National Rifle Association, while a zealous supporter of gun owners’ rights, has discouraged actions like Murphy’s in the state of Texas, where gun rights advocates have recently shown their support for “open carry” gun rights by bringing military-style assault rifles into businesses and public buildings.

The NRA has said such demonstrations have “crossed the line from enthusiasm to downright foolishness.”

“Using guns merely to draw attention to yourself in public not only defies common sense, it shows a lack of consideration and manners,” the NRA said in a statement posted on its website Friday.

Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


Here’s what the AP got wrong, the deputy didn’t make Murphy do anything, Murphy CHOSE to put the gun in his truck and not get arrested.

The NRA is also backtracking from their earlier comments:

NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris W. Cox addresses the recent article by NRA-ILA on open carry demonstrations in Texas. He says it shouldn’t have happened and notes that, “Our job is not to criticize the lawful behavior of fellow gun owners, our job is to effectuate policy change.” Cox also clarifies the NRA’s position and states, “Unequivocally, we support open carry. We’ve been the leader of open carry efforts across this country.” Later in the interview, Cox discusses the tragedy in California and upcoming elections. Watch the full interview with Cam here:
Source: F

Love the term “military-style assault rifles,” what’s the matter, AP? Can’t scare people with “assault rifles”? Gotta add “military-style”?  And why is voting taking place at the First United Methodist Church? Where’s the separation of church and state people? What about Vampire-Americans who can’t stand the sight of a cross?



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