This is the blog of the book, “Selling the Second Amendment” by Gregory Smith, and my Pinterest Gun Ads page.
As one of the few advertising copywriters that supports the Second Amendment, the goal was writing a book that would present pro-gun arguments from a marketing perspective.
The blog itself features a collection of pro-gun stories, opinion, ads, and sometimes issues unrelated to the 2nd Amendment.
My political philosophy is right-libertarian with a touch of Objectivism (Ayn Rand), and I’m often attacking the left but rarely the right.
I’m also a member of the NRA. The way I see it, you can say you support the Second Amendment, or you can support the Second Amendment. There’s no other way.
So, welcome to the blog. Explore the directory. Have fun.
Gregory Smith.
P.S. I do not sell guns, I don’t have an FFL (Federal Firearms License). If you need a gun, go to your local gun store.
Really Glad you liked the radio ad,
Here is a long but complete email I sent to the Chattanooga Times Free Press:
To: Chattanooga Times Free Press
Dear Editors,
Monday, December 30th, I violated my personal rules and purchased another copy of your radically left wing newspaper. UNBELIEVABLE! The first thing I noticed was you published a very socialist spin item on your front page and on the majority of page A6. It may come as a surprise to you but competent journalism requires the front page be devoted to actual news and not political propaganda for any specific political party! That’s “101 Journalism” if any of your editors should ever decide to study journalism in college. Your main coverage was pure propaganda about republican Congressman Scott DesJarlais consisting of idle gossip of his divorce that occurred more than a decade ago. You also devoted a lot of coverage condemning his conservative ideology that a vast number of republican constituents actually support and consider the major issues facing our nation today. You have obviously lost touch with the real world!
I would not have given your front page item a second thought if you had published it on your editorial pages where it belonged. Many people tell me they consider your paper to operate as though you were part of the Democrat party and responsible for publishing their radical left wing spin. I have to agree. Your article heaped praise on several democrat candidates while ridiculing the GOP congressman.
To quote just a few of your derogatory statements of the GOP candidate you state “DesJarlais is on a wild ride” “All of it has led to bipartisan predictions that DesJarlais’ campaign is doomed as well as unflattering comparisons to some of Washington’s most notorious scandals.” “There are questions that go to his character.”
“DesJarlais is going to lose and lose badly.” (All of these wild accusations with front page coverage as though they were factual news!)
In your ridicule for his position on Obamacare, you state “The candidate entertained the notion that the Affordable Care Act may have been a plot to destabilize the health care industry and bring about socialized medicine.’ Evidently, you consider anyone with this view as being ignorant and opinionated. But any person of average to superior intelligence most certainly understands this is a definite fact. What have your editors been smoking?
Many republicans complain your editors are so radically liberal you are actually unaware that even on the one page you assign to conservative comments your editorials make statements that are clearly coming from the far left. Yet, with your biased minds you do not even detect these comments are not conservative since you are very comfortable with their stated views.
ONCE AGAIN! PLEASE BE ADVISED YOUR NEWSPAPER’S POLITICAL SPIN BELONGS ON THE EDITORIAL PAGES AND NOT ON THE FRONT PAGE THAT SHOULD BE DEDICATED TO FAIR AND BALANCED FACTUAL NEWS! One good benefit of your radically bias newspaper policies, your paper should help unify and bring out large support for the GOP as of future elections. You like to publish Marxist Bennett’s political cartoons. So, once again, I am attaching a better one I created.
Bud Gray
Dayton, TN
That’s a great letter, if you ever write anything gun-related, let me know, I’ll gladly publish it on the front page if it’s as good as what you wrote.
Are you a cartoonist yourself? Can you draw? I’d love to see that cartoon, can you email me the cartoon at ?
DesJarlais is a douche. I am glad Jimmy Duncan is my congresscritter instead.
Probably the closest of any to my own right-libertarian leanings as well.
That’s good to know.