Did you watch 20/20 Young Guns? If you did, you saw what can be described as a 30 second interview of the Armed Citizen Project, but according to a source, here’s what you didn’t see.
With hours of footage to choose from along with expertly complied stats given to 20/20 by Kyle Coplen and other ACP members, 20/20 did a pretty good job of blacking us out. Not once mention that ACP uses donations to create responsible gun owners! Of everything that can be said about ACP, the fact that we use donations to create responsible gun owners in an effort to actually reduce crime is by far the most unique attribute. Therefore even if 20/20 mentioned that ACP is some kind of crazy gun charity that puts more guns into the homes of single mothers; and thus tried to make our organization look like like if was full of extreme gun nuts. That would have been better than them not mentioning our core cause at all.