Pro-Gun Cartoon- Wrong House to Rob.

Awesome cartoon, I saw it on A Facebook page with 370k+ members. My other favorite FB pages include: Guns Save Lives, great stories. Newsbusters, need I say more? Armed Libertarians- a young page with only 636 fans so far, but at least the owner talks to you when you post. And […]

More gun suicides than car accidents in Colorado?

These are the types of statistics the anti-gunners love: Gun deaths have outpaced motor vehicle fatalities in Colorado since 2009, but data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment indicate the state has passed yet another milestone in death statistics. For the first time in 2012, suicides by firearm alone surpassed motor vehicle […]

Should we boycott football?

The NFL is no friend of gun owners or freedom in general. As Michael Schaus writes on After having banned concealed carry in all of their stadiums, and even ordering women to give up their purse in favor of see-through plastic bags, (don’t ya feel safer now?) the NFL has accelerated its war on […]

Anti-Gun Column on Alaskan Newspaper.

Since Alaska is too cold for cockroaches, you’d think the Anchorage Daily News would not publish a column by an opinion-page columnist for The Kansas City Star. Perhaps Mary Sanchez, no relation to Dirty Sanchez, would be happier in Mexico. Look as this drivel: In the 12 months since that awful morning, virtually nothing substantial […]

Concealed Carry Almost Impossible in Chicago Suburb.

Let’s say you live in Batavia and you go through all this to get your concealed carry permit: The licensee has to be 21 years old, submit fingerprints, undergo a comprehensive criminal background check, submit a recent color head-and-shoulder photo and submit evidence that he or she has completed 16 hours of firearms training, including […]