Monthly Archives: September 2013
Pro-Gun Newtown Family Defends 2nd Amendment.
I’m surprised Newstimes printed this article, sure, there’s some liberal bias with the sentence: “The rifle that killed their stepdaughter and sister was the same kind of military-style rifle the family had shot together that Thanksgiving Day,” but overall it’s a pretty good article. Here are some excerpts.
“BETHLEHEM, Conn. (AP) — The Paradis and D’Avino family knows guns. They’ve owned them and enjoyed hunting and target shooting. Shooting was just part of life, like the time after Thanksgiving dinner in 2009 when a guest of husband and wife Peter Paradis and Mary D’Avino brought out an AR-15 rifle he had in the car.
Paradis and D’Avino said they aren’t opposed to any gun control. Instead of enacting new federal laws, Paradis said, existing federal laws should be enforced. They also didn’t support Connecticut’s new gun laws that were passed in April that widened the definition of “assault weapon.” That law has banned hundreds of guns by declaring illegal any gun with more than one military-style feature, including pistol grip, a fixed magazine of more than 10 rounds, or a collapsible stock.
“The shooter in Newtown didn’t use an assault rifle, he used an assault-style rifle. It’s much different. He could have used a much larger caliber, the same semi-automatic stuff and he could have done a lot more damage,” Paradis said. “But hey, we all had political agendas, didn’t we?”
Paradis said he and his family didn’t ride on Air Force One with family of Sandy Hook victims and the president, on a trip to lobby for new gun legislation. They spoke with Vice President Joe Biden, but did not meet with him when he visited Connecticut to call for tougher restrictions on guns.
“What am I going to do?” Paradis said. “I’m going to say I’m not for gun control. I’m not fitting the president’s agenda.” And neither, he and his stepdaughter believes, would Rachel.
Build more prisons, enforce current laws, pure more crazies in the loony bin, that’s much better than treating the people that didn’t do it as potential criminals.
Maryland Gun Control Leads to Record Gun Sales.
The enemy wants less people to own guns, well, they have shot themselves in the foot, metaphorically speaking.
“The law will also ban 45 types of assault weapons, although people who own them now will be able to keep them. That provision has contributed to record sales. The Maryland State Police received 106,772 gun-purchase applications so far this year as of Sept. 20, the most recent date for which data was available Friday. That compares with 70,099 applications processed last year, which had been the previous annual record.
“There’s never been this kind of increase,” said state police spokesman Greg Shipley, who added that people have been applying for gun purchases at the rate of about 1,000 a day over the past two weeks.”
How to bring your gun to school.
The New York Times wrote an interesting article about how law-abiding teachers are bringing their guns in school.
“CLARKSVILLE, Ark. — The slim, black 9-millimeter handguns that the school superintendent David Hopkins selected for his teachers here weigh about a pound and slip easily into a pocket. Sixteen people, including the janitor and a kindergarten teacher, wear them to school every day
Without money to hire security guards for the five schools he oversees, giving teachers nearly 60 hours of training and their own guns seemed like the only reasonable, economical way to protect the 2,500 public school students in this small town in the Ozark foothills.
In Georgia and Missouri, guns can be on campus as long as they are in a locked car. In Massachusetts, Louisiana and Nevada, a teacher can carry a gun on campus with written permission from school officials.
Hawaii and New Hampshire do not have any prohibition against weapons on school property for those with concealed-carry permits
And for more than a dozen years in Utah, anyone with a permit to carry a concealed weapon can take a loaded gun to school without even telling the principal.”
Of course, they had to find the one teacher that hates freedom:
“If I had a gun in my room with some of these students where I taught? They’d get it from me and shoot me,” he said. “They’d say, ‘Mr. Gunter, you gave me an F? Here’s your F.’ ”
Really Mr. Gunter? For that to happen they would have to have their hands inside your pants, so unless you’re molesting our kids, you have nothing to worry about. Cops carry guns with outside holsters, when was the last time someone took a gun from them?
Damn unarmed fool.