Pro-Gun Gay Republican Running for TX House.

This is surprising:

“Cargill, who’s running in the special election Nov. 5 to fill Mark Strama’s unexpired term, has been a business owner for 10 years. He currently owns Central Texas Gun Works in Austin.”


A vocal gun rights activist, Cargill said upholding the Second Amendment, along with being pro-life and his belief that retiring military should get better mental health treatment, made him pursue public office.

Well, I wish him luck.  He is quite a patriot, here’s a story of him boycotting Groupon after the company cancelled all gun-related deals.

Why can’t we fly with a gun?

The liberals are celebrating because Ted Nugent’s wife was caught at the airport with a gun she forgot on her carry-on luggage.


One liberal commenter wrote:

“I keep reading that ‘responsible’ gun owners know where their firearms are at all times. Hmm.”

Fine, I know where my firearm is at all times, but the question is, why should I? Why should the airport be a Constitution-Free Zone? Safety? Tell the victims of 9/11 how safe they were when a bunch of Arabs with box cutters decided to take down those planes.

On Miley Cyrus.

The following isn’t related to guns, but I just have to say it:

Am I living in Afghanistan? When did Americans become a bunch of burka-like pussy prudes? Hello! We have Ms. America, Ms. USA, strip bars, PORN, beauty pageants, Las Vegas, nude beaches, Maxim, FHM, Hooters, Breastaurants,  Victoria’s Freaking Secret, SHIRTLESS Abercrombie boys, The Folsom Street Fair, etc.

This is the west! We like SEX! Even Comcast OnDemand had all kinds of porn, including gay porn. You’re going to see tits and ass whether you go to a museum, art gallery, or the VMA’s, in fact, Miley wasn’t even naked, there was no wardrobe malfunction, yet because she dances sexy now it’s either her fault or the fault of the media? New concept! It’s nobody’s fault!

She did her job! Her job is to be sexy and get attention so she can sell more records. Lady Weirdo Gaga must be furious that for a little while, she has been upstaged. Sorry Gaga, maybe you need to stick a carrot in your ass for your next performance.

I’m telling you, the same people that are bitching about Miley go to Cirque du Soleil and pretend that what they’re watching is art when in reality some of their shows are even more erotic than what Miley did.

As for the Smith family covering their eyes, whatever, I cover my eyes every time Will Smith overacts in a movie.

Oh, and can we please stop bitching about how music sucks today? Newsflash, TASTE is a matter of OPINION. What sucks for one, doesn’t suck for someone else. The same people who don’t like Miley today were bitching about Madonna, Elvis, Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, etc. And no, I’m not saying Miley is as great and they were, not by a long shot, but guess what? Her records sell, and at the end of the day, that’s what success is all about.

So parents, get a clue. You don’t like sex? Don’t let your kids watch the VMA’s. Call Comcast, figure out those parental controls. But for the rest of you, stop acting like a bunch of puritans!