Tag Archives: flying with gun

Leniency for guns brought to airport in Georgia

Sometimes people forget they have a gun with them, which creates complications when you go to the airport. That’s why some good politicians are trying to change the law to avoid creating victims out of otherwise law-abiding citizens. ATLANTA (AP) – Gary Lawrence usually carries a .22-caliber revolver while out walking his dog in rural […]

Why can’t we fly with a gun?

The liberals are celebrating because Ted Nugent’s wife was caught at the airport with a gun she forgot on her carry-on luggage. Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ted-nugent-wife-arrested-dfw-airport-gun-carry-bag-article-1.1441075 One liberal commenter wrote: “I keep reading that ‘responsible’ gun owners know where their firearms are at all times. Hmm.” Fine, I know where my firearm is at all times, but […]