Bloomberg Buys Manchin… literally.

The Democratic Senator and NRA-backstabber Joe Manchin must love being Bloomberg’s bitch, because unlike those common pimps that beat their ho’s and take their money, Big Daddy Bloomberg rewards them. “According to Buzz Feed, the mayor will host a private fundraising event at his Manhattan home later this month. Tickets for the event are reportedly starting […]

Protesting with Rifle Scares Cops.

“HOPEWELL – Protesting for First and Second Amendment rights led to run-ins with local police for members of the Tri-Cities Liberty Alliance this week. The protests – which involved members of the alliance holding large signs on interstate overpasses for motorists to see while openly carrying guns – caused at least two people to be […]

Facebook Discriminates Against Gun Store.

A Bakersfield gun store tried to advertise on Facebook, the ad didn’t feature any guns, just the stars of Duck Dynasty, but that didn’t stop them from getting banned. “No weapons, but just minutes after Thome posted the picture Facebook pulled the ad. “Right before I posted it I thought okay there’s nothing offensive that […]

Pro-Gun Gay Republican Running for TX House.

This is surprising: “Cargill, who’s running in the special election Nov. 5 to fill Mark Strama’s unexpired term, has been a business owner for 10 years. He currently owns Central Texas Gun Works in Austin.” …. A vocal gun rights activist, Cargill said upholding the Second Amendment, along with being pro-life and his belief that […]

Why can’t we fly with a gun?

The liberals are celebrating because Ted Nugent’s wife was caught at the airport with a gun she forgot on her carry-on luggage. Source: One liberal commenter wrote: “I keep reading that ‘responsible’ gun owners know where their firearms are at all times. Hmm.” Fine, I know where my firearm is at all times, but […]