Common Sense Meme from Cops.

Good cops support the Second Amendment and don’t want to take our guns away, good cops also tell the truth. Background checks have no effect because even if you fail to pass a background check, you can buy a gun the same way you buy crack or pot, illegally. Unlike appointed Sheriffs and chiefs of […]

Pro-NRA Ad from Remington.

Powerful visual, patriotic headline, and who doesn’t like getting something for free? The NRA has 5 million members, if 80 more would join we’d be unbeatable. Look at the AARP, nobody f-cks with them because there’s millions of them. 5 million NRA members is powerful, 80 million more would be freaking awesome!

Classic Anti-Clinton Ad from the NRA.

The one good thing about gun haters is that we can attack them with their own words and deeds. Of course, this is only one approach of many needed to fight for the Second Amendment. Remember that Obama got elected and reelected with emotion, so there are voters out there who don’t care about the […]

Protesting Staples’ Hoplophobia.

Hoplophobia refers to the irrational fear and hatred of weapons. For those who don’t know, there was Staples was hosting a best business contest and they decided to ban a gun store from participating. Well, through the power of social media, we got this apology from Staples. “We heard you! At Staples, we value all […]

Why I Love Guns and Pro-Gun Advertising.

When I used to work in advertising, I used to sell all kinds of stuff, but never guns or the right to keep and carry them. 10 years in the business, and never once got to do an ad for Beretta, Colt, Smith & Wesson or any gun rights organizations. When we did pro-bono work, […]

When Opposites Attract.

When you billboard space your purchase can go through Clear Channel, CBS, and other media. In this case, someone had the brilliant idea to put an anti-gun ad next to a Gun Show ad. Ironically, the gun show ad is far more visible with that bright yellow background and big letters while the propaganda from […]