When I used to work in advertising, I used to sell all kinds of stuff, but never guns or the right to keep and carry them.
10 years in the business, and never once got to do an ad for Beretta, Colt, Smith & Wesson or any gun rights organizations. When we did pro-bono work, it was always for causes like human trafficking, poverty, and if the issue of guns came, it was usually about gun safety like keeping up your guns locked, never about why you need a gun and why carrying a gun is a good thing.
That’s why I wrote “Selling the Second Amendment,” I wanted to share what I’ve learned with the gun community. The eBook sells for $0.99 cents which gives me a $0.35 cent commission on Amazon. There’s a print book version available, and one coming on Audible as soon as they’re done reviewing my book. If you’re not sure about the book quality, download the free sample. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it.
Personally, with several chapters I think there’s gonna be something you like. I’m not a right-winger, but a right-libertarian, that means I don’t believe freedom is just for people I like but everyone. I do have a chapter about selling gun ownership to liberals, I know, it’s probably easier to find a virgin prostitute than to sell a gun to a liberal, but believe me, our Second Amendment depends on it. My dream is that some day gun ownership will be as universal as having a Smart Phone, I’m proud there’s 5 million NRA members and 85 million gun owners, but we need more.
More Gun Owners = More Power.
Armed = Free
Unarmed = Unsafe.
Support your Second Amendment today.