Sometimes newspapers are worth reading, especially when they print a pro-gun column like this one:


Recently, I completed the classroom portion of the new Illinois concealed carry licensing requirement. I then traveled to the firing range with my classmates and passed the live-fire training by destroying a practice target with 30 rounds of 9 mm ammunition fired from three distances. Having had my fingerprints and a recent picture of myself scanned into the Illinois State Police database, completing the online registration form and paying my fee, I submitted my application. In 90 days or less I expect to receive my concealed carry permit and will be able to legally carry a loaded firearm on my person when I leave my house. Will I actually carry my gun when I go to the coffee shop or grocery store or wherever? Maybe, maybe not. You’ll never know and that is the point.

Why did I go to all of the trouble and expense to exercise my legal right to arm myself? Because I can? Because I’m a rebel? Because it makes me feel tough and “macho” to be “packing heat”? Not really. I’m just your “average Joe,” not threatening and with no point to prove. I’m also a 63-year-old captain for a major airline who has had, for many years, the authority to carry a gun in my cockpit as a licensed federal flight deck officer. Do I carry my gun in my cockpit? Again, hopefully, you’ll never know.

If one were to be so foolish as to try and break into my cockpit or actually succeed, would that person then be looking down the barrel of one or possibly two guns? Actually that person might not be given the time to assess that possibility since he or she would or could be dead on arrival. If one were to attempt to commit an armed robbery of me in a parking garage in the Loop, would I reach into my pocket to retrieve my wallet as demanded or would I produce my Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380 semi-automatic handgun?

These are some things a would-be terrorist or everyday mugger should consider. The deterrent nature of armed pilots has no doubt made airline flying safer. With the new reality of potentially armed civilians, a similar deterrent effect would or should be a factor in a potential mugger’s mind. Without getting into (disputed) statistics, gun crime has not increased (because of concealed carry laws) in the 49 other states that have allowed concealed carry for years. Finally, if a criminal is intent on pulling a gun on me or my family, having a concealed gun gives me another option on how to respond.

Carrying a loaded gun is a tremendous responsibility and is not to be taken lightly. In aviation, pilots routinely “hangar fly.” That is we sit, think and visualize in our minds about potential, unusual scenarios involving weather or mechanical problems and how to react correctly to complete the flight safely. We also practice dealing with irregularities and emergencies in flight simulators. Likewise, a responsible gun carrier should visualize and consider potential conflicts and have a plan so as not to be taken by complete surprise.

What I’ve been trying to explain is the concept of deterrence and how the concealed carry law in Illinois might actually help lower crime statistics, especially gun crimes. As more and more law-abiding citizens become armed (more than 15,000 applications have been received from Dec. 18, 2013, through Jan. 8, according to the ISP), word will get out to potential muggers, thieves, burglars, et al.

The playing field will be leveled.

Deterrence is powerful.

So, when you see me walking down the street will you see a graying old geezer ripe for a mugging or someone prepared, willing and capable of blowing you away if you threaten my life? To quote Clint Eastwood’s famous lines from “Dirty Harry,” “You’ve gotta ask yourself a question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya, punk?”

Let’s not even find out.

Gary Rogaliner is a commercial airline captain and lives in Glenview.
