When the gun rights movement goes PC.

Here’s an idea, when you make a plan, execute it. Don’t back down. Here’s what I mean:

VIERA, Fla. — Organizers of a gun rights forum featuring Mark O’Mara, George Zimmerman’s defense attorney, have decided that having a gun raffle in conjunction with the event wasn’t such a good idea.

The Gun Rights Preservation Forum event is still scheduled for Nov. 4. But the raffle for a gun and a Bible will occur at a different time, probably in early December, according to Bob White, chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Central East Florida, which is holding the forum.

“In making this decision to postpone the raffle, we are trying to be sensitive to concerns expressed by our featured speaker, Mark O’Mara, and others, regarding appearances relating to the raffling of the Kel-Tec 9 mm,” White said in an email to the newspaper and O’Mara. “We have no doubt that George Zimmerman used this weapon legally in the defense of his own life. Certainly, its use prevented further serious bodily harm to himself, and he may very well have saved his own life by its use. We also recognize, though, that another life was lost in the process, and we do have empathy for the parents of Trayvon Martin. Losing their son was tragic, regardless of the circumstances.”

Source: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/10/29/gun-raffle-pulled-from-mark-omara-forum/3294159/


So sick of the right being “sensitive,” when is the left sensitive? They call us every name in the book, they are patronizing, they say we vote against our economic principles as if socialism was the only logical way for this people.

What do we gain when we back down? We’re only showing the enemy that is they make noise, if they bitch, they can get their way.

Also, can somebody remind Mark O’Mara not to be such a pussycat? You defended Zimmerman, you have gotten death threats, stop being so sensitive to people that would murder you if given a chance.

3 Responses to When the gun rights movement goes PC.

  1. those that are PC..really think the our system and this country will still be livable and business as usual is still in play….they are fools….or since I am never PC maybe I am the bigger fool….so be it….Semper Fi

    • You’re no fool, you see things as they are. A lot of conservatives are always running scared, worried about “what will they think of us”, we aren’t like them and thank God for that.

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