Veronica Cassidy is for gun control because she wanted to shoot herself

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, something surprises you. Here are some excerpts from Veronica Cassidy’s blog.

I settled on shooting myself.
I thought I could buy a small handgun and keep it in my dresser until I was ready. I would wait until I was alone for the night. Then I would retrieve the gun, take it into the bathroom and call the police. I figured they at least have training in how to handle a gruesome scene.

When I researched New York gun laws, the plan stalled. It’s nearly impossible to get a handgun license in New York City, unless you can prove your employment requires it. The application for a rifle or shotgun is long, expensive and tedious, and involves five visits to 1 Police Plaza. (Since the passage of the New York SAFE Act this year, there are additional restrictions.)

In late December, I flew into Phoenix alone.

While Ron talked, we passed a gun store. It was not quite on the main road, but down aways, standing alone amid the cacti. There was a sign with a big downward arrow and the word “Guns.” I knew I couldn’t buy anything there with an out-of-state ID, but I figured with a smile and a good cover story, they could point me in the right direction.


If this whole treatment thing didn’t work out, that’s what I would do.
But treatment did work out. Driving back to the airport, I missed the store altogether. I was busy looking at the mountains. Soon after I returned home, my lease was up and I moved into a sunnier apartment.
The restrictions on gun ownership where I live stopped me from buying a gun long enough that my need for buying it went away. The discussion around gun control generally centers on how people can use guns against each other, but ignores how many of us might use them against ourselves.
When over half of gun deaths are from suicide and half of suicides are gun injuries, then gun control has to be part of meaningful suicide prevention; and the causes, methods and effects of suicide have to be part of thinking on gun control.

So let me get this straight, some suicidal loser who was too stupid to figure out how to get a gun illegally is for gun control? Really? I’m not from the ghetto, I don’t have criminal friends, but I know that if I can find a crack addict, she can connect me to her dealer who probably knows someone who with a gun. People buy illegal stuff everyday, all the gun laws, drug laws, crime laws, don’t do a damn about it.

Veronica, what would you think of an obese person who write this:

“I’m for food control because I’m fat, and I’m also for mandatory exercise because I don’t like working out, and I’m for slavery because I’m too lazy to work.”

Does that sound stupid? So does being for gun control because you wanted to kill yourself. And for the record, I have a friend who put a gun against his head and failed to pulled the trigger, his mother found him like that and talked him out of killing himself, and although the family doesn’t want to have any guns around their house, they’re not for gun control.

A life that isn’t lived free isn’t worth living.  This is the problem with freedom-haters, they confuse living with lasting. My own mother told us that if she ever finds herself in a situation like Terry Shiavo, brain dead and in a comma, just pull the plug.

But that’s a rare situation, which is why I follow the advice from Rodney Atkins.

If you’re goin’ through hell keep on going
Don’t slow down if you’re scared don’t show it
You might get out before the devil even knows you’re there

Don’t blame the gun, Veronica, you also admitted trying to kill yourself with pills, and a rope. The truth is you didn’t really want to die, you had suicidal fantasies, lots of people do, but you weren’t committed enough.

Someone committed enough always finds a way, whether it’s sticking your head in the oven and turning on the gas, putting a hose on your car’s exhaust and dying of carbon monoxide poisoning, slitting your wrists, taking too many sleeping pills, jumping of a bridge,  and if you think I’m cruel for giving suicidal people ideas, I assure you they can find all this and more on Google.

Suicidal people should know this, sometimes a suicide attempt fails, even with a gun. Sometimes you end up a paraplegic, so think about that before you kill yourself. Also remember that life itself is full of risks, why kill yourself when you can have a hiking accident, a parachute that won’t open, run out of air while you’re scuba driving, get hit by a truck, etc.

Live free or die, Veronica, but don’t mess with my guns.


3 Responses to Veronica Cassidy is for gun control because she wanted to shoot herself

  1. […] Go read this article… […]

  2. “So let me get this straight, some suicidal loser who was too stupid to figure out how to get a gun illegally is for gun control?”

    That’s why she was suicidal, she realised how incredibly stupid she was??

    • You can read her entire blog her, I just posted some excerpts.

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