Unarmed Slate Writer Thinks Top Shot Can Help Liberals Understand Gun Culture.

I’m not an huge fan of Top Shot, the marksmanship is nice, but it has zero politics, zero drama, and it never mentions why owning guns is a good thing.

“For people like me, who neither own a gun nor know very many people who do, the show helps counteract some of the most extreme, uninformed stereotypes that many liberals and urbanites have about “gun guys.” The show clearly demonstrates something that often gets lost in the heat of the gun control debate: that gun owners aren’t all crazy survivalists or slavering right-wing fanatics. A lot of them are just reasonable, responsible sportsmen who enjoy shooting guns because shooting guns can be a lot of fun.”
Source: http://www.slate.com/blogs/crime/2013/08/28/top_shot_colby_donaldson_s_reality_show_could_teach_liberals_about_gun_culture.html

You mean gun owners that keep their traps shut and don’t speak out against gun control? That’s your definition of reasonable? By the way, what’s wrong with being a “crazy survivalist”? In the movie “You’re Next” it is the girl raised by “crazy survivalists” that survives the killers hired to murder an entire family. If you were in New Orleans during Katrina, where do you want to be? At the house that has no water, no food, no purification tablets, or far away at a survivalist compound?

“I get the sense that the History Channel almost didn’t air this current season, presumably because, after the Sandy Hook shootings, the network worried that the time wasn’t right for a show about guns. But the exact opposite is true. In this time of polarized discourse around guns and gun control, the country needs a show like Top Shot more than ever. Here’s hoping tonight isn’t the end of its run.”

Yet The History Channel does air God, Guns & Automobiles which features a car dealer that shoots guns, speaks pro-gun politics, and is far more politically incorrect than the contestants on Top Shot.

To be fair, Top Shot does show how much fun shooting guns is, so with increased familiarity, maybe there will be less fears and perhaps a few liberals will head out to the gun range and discover the Second Amendment is a great thing.

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