The Vampire Wussy Diaries: Paul Wesley Hates Guns

“A seemingly random act of a gun being pulled on me yesterday only compounded my deep loathing and disgust for the gun laws in this country.”
Tweeted by Paul Wesley who plays Stefan Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries

Gun-hater Hoffman had the decency to overdose on heroin, this loser should follow his example.

Hey Paul, let me ask you something, do you smoke weed? That’s against the law, right? Did the drug dealer care about the law? Did the Mexican who smuggled the drug cared about the law? No! Criminals don’t care about your stupid laws whether they’re about guns, drugs, investments, etc.  Laws don’t stop crime, men with guns stop crime. Maybe if you had had a gun you would have shot the bastard that pointed his gun at you.

Whatever loser, just go hire an armed bodyguards since you’re too much of a WUSSY to get your own gun.


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