The trouble with Brandon Webb.

Brandon’s Webb’s possible candidacy for the NRA Board of Directors has sparked controversy, has already spawned an “anti” Facebook page as well as a rather lively thread on

Here are some of Brandon’s statements that worry me the most:

-I believe everyone who owns a gun should attend a firearms safety qualifications course, and this should be standardized across the country. Too many people I’ve seen on the range are unsafe.

-Yes, owning a gun is a right; driving is similar to this but you have to have pass a drivers test to prove competency *this point was clarified from my earlier post.

-The NRA should be like PADI or NAUI and encourage gun ranges to only accept NRA basic qualified shooters on the range.


This is elitism, I can understand Brandon feeling superior to other people, he is a Navy Seal who according to his book, “Trained America’s Deadliest Marksmen”, but the idea that gun ranges should only accept people deemed by someone else to be “basic qualified shooters” is repugnant. Scuba diving isn’t a right, driving isn’t a right, gun ownership and the bearing of arms is a right. I would also argue that shooting guns is a lot easier than driving and diving, and I am a PADI Certified Open Water Diver, so I know how scary it can be when something goes wrong.

-Legislation on increasing the prevention of mentally ill folks from gaining access to firearms seems logical


So are we going to prevent every person with Aspergers, Autism, Depression, etc, from his RKBA? Or are you just supporting that because you hope by giving the anti-gunners something, they’ll stop bothering us? Because I have news for you, Mr. Webb.

1. Dangerous people will always get their guns.
2. The anti-gunners will never stop.

-Dogs/handlers at schools and colleges are better than armed guards, in my opinion


Dogs can be dangerous animals, breeds like doberman, pitbul, etc, can attack innocent people. I was bitten by a German Sheppard at a BBQ after the owner told me to pet his dog. My nervousness and the smell of meat did something to that dog, I’m sure of it. Suffice to say, while dogs have their virtues, I rather see armed guards, armed teachers and armed parents like they do in Israel.

-I believe we should be able to concealed-carry and open-carry where practical (e.g., not on an elementary school campus or an airplane)


I see, so the only ones with guns in those places should be active-shooters?



-The NRA should take a strong leadership position when it comes to legislation affecting ownership pro and con, not just a “supporter” of legislation. The perception from the left is that the NRA is an uncompromising organization


And why do you even care about the perception from the left? Are you a lefty yourself? The truth is even the lefties don’t compromise, show me when has the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, PETA, the AARP, and the SEIU compromised? They fight to get their way, as do we. That’s the nature of politics, it’s not a negotiation, it’s a battle. Whoever gets the most votes wins.


-I think the current NRA Executive VP Wayne LaPierre, a career lobbyist, is unfit to lead the NRA into the 21st Century. I wouldn’t let him lead my kids camping trip, let alone the NRA. This may make some angry, but I would be dishonest if I didn’t make my opinion on LaPeirre perfectly clear, see you in 2015 Wayne


The balls of this guy, Webb is like a private insulting a General. “I’m young, you’re old, move over.” Webb, you may be a big shot in the Navy Seal but the NRA is not your army and we’re not under your command. This isn’t like high school where the good looking jock gets to beat the nerd and f-ck the cheerleader. Here, a man with brains can make something of himself. LaPierre’s list of accomplishments as Second Amendment Advocate is quite impressive, it is because of a “career lobbyist” like him that you’re still able to own all those military-style weapons outside the military. As for you not letting him lead your kids in a camping trip, guess what? We don’t need another Eagle Scout, we need people with PhD’s like LaPierre.

We’re not going to save the Second Amendment by pitching tents, shooting deer, and field stripping weapons. We need men with huge brains and the ability to destroy every anti-gun argument with reason and facts.

Perhaps this is why he made Time’s 100 Most Influential People list for 2013:

Wayne LaPierre

NRA Boss, 63
By Ted Nugent April 18, 2013

In the embarrassing culture war of politically correct denial that runs amok today, there is an American warrior, a common man who represents common sense and self-evident truth, and he is Wayne LaPierre. On behalf of the millions of American families who still believe in God-given, constitutionally guaranteed individual rights, Wayne stands firm against the insidious tsunami of dangerous anticonstitutional furor that would further infringe on our sacred Second Amendment. Wayne is a sledgehammer for truth, logic and freedom. He is cut from the same cloth as our forefathers who stood on Concord bridge and risked all to give birth to a truly free, independent America. Wayne’s voice is the modern shot heard round the world.

Read more: Wayne LaPierre | TIME 100: The 100 Most Influential People in the World |

What say you, Webb?



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