The Right to Armed Bodyguards for Gun-Hating Cops.

Should taxpayers spend $720,000 a year protecting the life of a man who hates your 2nd Amendment rights? Police Chief Kelly (NYC) thinks so.

Citing the fact that he will remain a “high profile target” after he leaves office, Kelly informed insiders at Police Headquarters that he will request the contingent of detectives — each will remain on the city payroll making about $120,000 a year — to shepherd him around town and protect him and his family during their travels, sources told “On the Inside.”


This is further hypocrisy by elite anti-gunners who don’t believe that private citizens should be armed, but enjoy round the clock armed protection themselves.


The request would have to approved by Kelly’s replacement and would likely need the approval of City Hall as well.


The article also says that Michael Bloomberg will be hiring his entire 17 person NYPD security detail as private security, paying each member of the detail $150,000. The multi-billionaire should easily be able to afford the annual $2.5 million security costs.


Yet another example of the anti-gun hypocrisy. Bloomberg wants to see guns banned, but will enjoy round the clock protection by 17 armed individuals.



These bastards should live by the rules they set the rest of us. As for Kelly being a “high-profile target,” what a joke. A target for whom? 80 million law-abiding gun owners? You can relax, Kelly, we don’t defend the 2nd Amendment with violence. As for criminals, I doubt most criminals are interested in you, even the mafia knows better than to whack a cop. So Kelly, why do you need a gun?  Why do you need armed bodyguards? Not much fun when you’re being asked those questions, isn’t it? Kelly, you’re entitled to whatever guns and bodyguards you can afford, WITH YOUR MONEY.


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