6 Responses to The Letter You Get When You Buy A Gun In California

  1. Reminds me of stories during C69 of the lengths criminals would go to, to steal guns. the cdn-firearms list occasionally had stories about criminals cutting out walls to enter a garage and take a safe. Black market gun prices had jumped so high, that these guys could buy equipment, and work in teams because all the costs could be passed on to the final gun buying criminal. They’d hit in rural areas, where they knew the homeowner was gone and police response gave them enough time, and then the gun owner gets charged because his guns were stolen. We are all in favor of safe storage, but making laws to victimize the victims may not be the best way to fight crime. Of course here in Washington state, cops occaisionally drive off with their cased rifle on the roof, so that would probably meet some of the demand

    • I believe that. Las Vegas had the “hole-in-the-wall” gang, but their focus was on stealing jewelry, not guns. If you saw the movie Casino or read the book, you’ll know about them. Cullota also wrote a book about his involvement with that gang.

      The only way to reduce gun theft is to flood the market with legal guns. This reduces the price of illegal guns. Making something illegal or hard to get only increases the price.

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