Here’s an excerpt:
Genius in its brevity, Selling the Second Amendment reflects its author’s considerable experiences at marketing by first making a conclusive case for why “The second amendment is the greatest freedom”; and then presenting several strategies for how to present the need for the 2nd Amendment to various political and ethnic groups. The effective of which is that the average gun right supporter should have a good idea about how to present several meaningful defenses of the 2nd Amendment. – See more at:
They also interviews me, here’s one of the questions I answered:
Q. You say “the second amendment is the greatest freedom”, can you elaborate on that bit statement a bit more?
A. Everything starts with being alive, and the best way to protect your life is with a gun. When you argue with a criminal or use physical force, you’re taking a chance. When you pull out your gun, your survival is almost guaranteed. The very sight of the gun will bring most people to their senses, they will realize that beating you, robbing you, raping you, it’s suddenly not such a good idea anymore. I read of a gay couple that was holding hands when suddenly 20 men started chasing after them, trying to beat them up. One of them pulled out a gun and that was enough to make 20 men stop. The leader asked “do you have a permit to carry that?”, the gay guy lied and said he did. That was enough to make those 20 bashers change their minds. Think about it, no stupid sensitivity training, and no dumb hate crime law, just one gun to make the lawless remember that this is a country of laws and force will be met with force. – See more at: