Another Victim of Biden’s Advice.

Remember when Biden told us to get a shotgun and fire a warning shot? Several people have gotten hurt from his advice, here’s the latest one:

A Woodbridge woman was arrested after she shot a handgun into the air to scare off a group of boys who were attacking her daughter.


Lakisha Gaither, 35, said she fired a single round into the sky from her legally owned gun Saturday night after a boy punched her daughter in the face during a dispute near their home.


The shooting occurred at 9:20 p.m. in the 13600 block of Cridercrest Place. After confronting a teenage girl and her mother in the neighborhood over a prior disagreement, Ms. Gaither and her 15-year-old daughter, Brianna Stewart, began walking home. A group of about 10 boys approached them in the parking lot of their apartment complex. One boy began to swear and insult Ms. Gaither and her daughter, who stood up to the boy.

“The two were face to face,” Ms. Gaither said. “He grabs her shirt, she goes to push him off her.”

Ms. Gaither said she realized she’d be putting the both of them at risk if she jumped into the fray.

“I stopped and turned to walk to the middle of the parking lot. I made sure no one was around me,” she said. “I unholstered my gun, pointed it straight in the air and fired just one shot to get him off my child.”
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10 against two, the kind of human garbage that assault women, yet mom made a mistake. Brandishing the gun was fine, but having compassion for garbage is what gets you arrested.

“You can’t fire into the air,” Officer Perok said. “Once something goes up, it comes down. There’s the possibility of causing property damage, injuring someone or killing someone. In an apartment complex, the odds of that bullet coming down and striking something are very high.”

Yes officer, but no one got hurt.

Daniel L. Hawes, a Virginia Legal Defense attorney who defends clients for their use of firearms in self-defense, said that while Ms. Gaither should not have fired into the air, she was not wrong in wanting to defend Brianna or herself.

“A person has the right to defend themselves. A person doesn’t have to wait until they’re actually harmed,” he said. “Shooting into the air sort of changed things dramatically. She is creating a threat herself, to other people in area. She may not be guilty of a crime, but police were not wrong to charge her.”

By the way, I’m willing to bet everyone in this story is African-American. If the mother had been white and their attackers black, she’d be called a racist. If they had been black and their attackers white, she’d be called a hero. But because everyone is black, Obama doesn’t give a crap. You won’t hear him say that Brianna looks like Malia. Yeah, that’s our president and his media, a bunch of race-baiters that instead of caring about everyone’s rights, they pick and choose.