Can a gun be a flamethrower?
Above you see a flamethrower, below you’ll see a bit of hyperbole from Rock Island Armory. To be fair, I have seen paper targets burning after being shot, but it’s not common.
Above you see a flamethrower, below you’ll see a bit of hyperbole from Rock Island Armory. To be fair, I have seen paper targets burning after being shot, but it’s not common.
Check out this clever gun ad. Ironically, they did buy the entire ad space (one page), how do we know? Because there’s no article copy on top of that. There’s not even another ad from another company.
Check out these headline-driven ads from Rock Island Armory:
Let’s face it, .22’s don’t pack much of a punch, they’re not noisy, they can be used for self-defense although you’d better hit a neck, an eye, or a straight shot to the heart. Otherwise you’re gonna have to unload a lot of your weapon at the bad guy. I get that Rock Island is […]
I’m no prude, but using the word “ass” twice in an ad might be a little too much. So what do you think? Do you love this Rock Island Armory ad? Does it sell the 2nd Amendment or does it harm it?
Is that a gun in his pocket or is he happy to see us? LOL
A lot of misinformed ammophobes think gun ownership is exclusively white, There are pictures of guys with guns, gals with guns, animals with guns, ammo with guns and guns with guns. Curiously absent are pictures of black people with guns, brown people with guns or Asian people with guns. The good guys are white. The […]