Scalia puts Sotomayor in her place

Gun-hater Sotomayor likes to play the Race-Card, Scalia had something to say about it:   Scalia scolds Sotomayor for ‘shameful’ racial accusations on affirmative action ban Whenever race becomes an issue, passions tend to rise — even among the justices serving in the nation’s highest court. In a 6-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled […]

Gun Banners Ask NRA to Kick Off Ted Nugent.

So The Coalition to Protect Criminals from Armed Gun Owners (aka The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV)), is asking the NRA to fire Ted Nugent because of a few quotes they perceive as racist. Really? This is like the KKK asking blacks to get rid of their guns. “The NRA likes to bill […]