Poncho: Armed Security for Me, No Open Carry for Thee

Remember our friend Poncho Nevarez? “I bet I own more guns than all those people who came in the office put together,” Nevarez added. “I mean, I have a lot of weapons. I have a shooting range on my place. So I don’t think they really did their homework with the person they came to […]

Alabama might ban open carry in polling places

Being anti-gun in Alabama is like being a roach in a chicken dance, deadly. So I’m surprised at this reaction. Strange steps back from guns at polls comments Attorney General Luther Strange Wednesday appeared to step back from comments made earlier this week that suggested he would support legislation to ban the open carry of […]

Open Carry Voting in Alabama

The gun-hating media in Alabama is worried about “gun-tootin voters”. Limestone County Elections Director Bobbi Bailey has had no complaints, so far, about asking gun-carrying voters not to bring their weapons into polling places now that the state’s open-carry law changed. “To my knowledge, we had no one complain about it saying it infringed on […]