LaPierre Praises Liberty University

Liberty University is a Christian school, that means you can’t smoke, can’t engage in pre-marital sex, can’t do many things, but here’s one thing you can do. National Rifle Association Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer Wayne LaPierre on Wednesday praised Liberty University for a recent decision allowing eligible students to carry concealed handguns […]

Game Informer Attacks NRA: Claims they Supported Racist Gun Control Laws

Besides guns, I love video games, that’s why I get Games Informer. What I wasn’t expecting to get is lies about the NRA in a review by Matt Bertz about Mafia III.   Read it here: Excuse me? The NRA wasn’t even involved in legislation until the Gun Control Act of 1968 was proposed, back […]

The NAGR Lied to Us

STSA supports selling the 2nd Amendment with the truth, the following incident describes what the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) did which is shameful:   But some Second Amendment advocates think the group’s main claim to fame is stoking the fears of the less-informed for-profit. Last month, the group’s affiliate in Mississippi, as labeled […] calls us “gun freaks”

I expect anti-gun editorials like Armed for a political gun fight, but I don’t expect to be personally attacked. Dan K. Thomasson, “a McClatchy-Tribune columnist and former vice president of Scripps Howard Newspapers. [email protected]” writes this: It may be the longest, hottest summer in some time for the gun freaks, mainly the National Rifle Association, […]

John Stewart Bodyguards Meme

John Stewart makes a good living as a “comedian”, $25 million a year. Jon Stewart went after Sarah Palin and the NRA on Tuesday night for projecting incredible paranoia about a supposed war against them by the rest of the country, responding not with a desire for more electable candidates but with “lock and load, […]

Lies of Omission from Gun Haters

Sometimes a lie is in the details.   On February 24th, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes was joined by HBO’s Jon Frankel to report that the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) fight to allow “young kids to access guns.” To make this case, Hayes opened the segment by focusing on the NRA’s failed […]