Here’s why people hate you, San Francisco.
Under the new regulations, people already possessing a large-capacity magazine will have 90 days to turn it in to police. The proposal exempts members of law enforcement and armored car personnel, among others. Violations of the ban would be punishable as a misdemeanor. Source:
Notice some people get exempted. Why is that? Cops and security guards shouldn’t have more rights than the rest of us. But then again, perhaps SF is the Police State by the Bay.
In addition to banning large magazines, the bill also requires gun dealers to inform customers of local laws, establishes the presumption that an owner who has not reported a firearm lost or stolen remains in possession of the firearm, and prohibits minors from entering shooting ranges unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Gun dealers can give you a flyer with the local laws, no biggie. Are there any actual gun dealers in San Francisco? I thought the last one left years ago? As for the minor provision, why don’t they ban minors from the Folsom Street Fair? Oh right, that gets covered by the First Amendment, “performance art” or whatnot. Sorry kids, you can see a grown man naked but you can’t see a gun unless your daddy or guardian is with you. Nice logic, SF.
It’s not the first time Cohen has tackled gun control. Earlier this year, the board passed in ordinance she authored that banned the possession of hollow-point bullets and other ammunition meant to cause extreme damage, and required police notification for larger ammunition purchases.
Right, because we wouldn’t want the criminals to suffer extreme damage. Freaking idiots.
Despite her hopes for minimizing gun violence, Cohen said regulations don’t address the root cause of deadly shootings. “Banning assault rifles only scratches the surface,” she said. “We need to … be better at addressing mental health concerns if we really want to solve the problem.”
That’s liberal logic for you, a house is burning, they pass all kinds of laws yet they forget to call the fire department. All your laws do, Cohen, is punish the people that didn’t do it. Each one of those laws can be violated by a criminal. Even anti-gun psychologists admit that most schizophrenics and other crazies aren’t diagnosed until they commit a mass shooting or some other crime. The root cause of deadly shootings are gun-free zones, that’s it. Get rid of them, let people carry, and we’re going to have a fighting chance. P.S. The next time you get hit by an earthquake, don’t call me. I support Liberal Control.