Tag Archives: Kentucky

Where to put your gun when you go to the bathroom.

Unless you have a holster with a strap, going to the bathroom can create complications. A Kentucky man accidentally shot himself after setting his pistol on a toilet paper dispenser while using a restaurant bathroom. Police in Elizabethtown said the man, whose name was not released, was shot in the leg after the firearm fell […]

Don’t get shot with your own gun.

USA Today doesn’t read gunssavelives.net, they don’t care about “Our 1,000th Documented Defensive Gun Use – 2 Armed Robbers Shot and Killed in Texas.” Instead, this is what they report: HILLVIEW, Ky. — A man attempting to break into a home Monday about 15 miles south of Louisville, Ky., shot a woman with her own […]

NY Gangbanger is Dead, KY gets the blame.

So the cops shot and killed some piece of garbage who shot at them first, I don’t care if the teen if 14-years-old, he had it coming. “A Daily News investigation found the blood-spattered 9-mm. handgun discovered near the teen’s body was older than he was — purchased at the state fairgrounds in Louisville, Ky., […]