Tag Archives: gun dealers

More Gun Control in San Francisco.

Here’s why people hate you, San Francisco. Under the new regulations, people already possessing a large-capacity magazine will have 90 days to turn it in to police. The proposal exempts members of law enforcement and armored car personnel, among others. Violations of the ban would be punishable as a misdemeanor. Source: http://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/S-F-supervisors-pass-tough-limit-on-gun-magazines-4937604.php Notice some people get […]

Wintemute: False NRA Member.

Goebbels would be proud of the propaganda the anti-gunners are creating: “NRA Member Finds Most Gun Dealers Favor Background Checks Here’s something the National Rifle Association would rather you didn’t know: A new survey out this week finds a majority of gun dealers support both comprehensive background checks on gun buyers, and banning people with […]