The Great Australian Boycott.

So because some white-hating racist ghetto thug shoots Christopher Lane, an Australian citizen, the former prime minister seems entitled to lecture us. Compares to the wild west even if the wild west had a lot less crime..

“”You are 15 times more likely to be shot dead in the USA than you are here in Australia,” Tim Fischer, the former Australian official, said in an interview with CNN Wednesday. “There is murder mayhem on Main Street USA every day of the week, but you hide from that.”

Fischer slammed U.S. lawmakers for turning a blind eye to “sensible” gun control and lashed out at the National Rifle Association for using the Second Amendment as a shield against it.”

First of all, just because your nation was settled by convicts doesn’t mean we treat our people like convicts. I can understand that a nation the British used as a dumping ground for criminals might not be too sympathetic to individual rights. Your country’s gun ban and persecution of Free Speech shows just what kind of people you are

Secondly, the Australian gun ban did not decrease crimes. It wasn’t criminals who gave up their guns, but law-abiding people. All they achieved was this.

Murders committed with guns increased by 19%.

Home invasions increased by 21%.

Assaults committed with guns increased by 28%.

Armed robberies skyrocketed with an increase of 69%.

So as far as I’m concerned, Tim Fisher can go to hell. You want to boycott us? Go ahead! Who needs you? Maybe if Lane had had a gun he would have been able to defend himself, maybe the thug that shot him would have thought twice about messing with him. But no, like you he was Australian, like you he understand what being a free man is all about, and unlike you, he got shot. Too bad it wasn’t you, Fisher. Lane may have been anti-gun but he minded his own business and behaved like a good tourist, you on the other hand are attacking my country based on one incident.



Cane and Gun Control Helped Mussolini Take Over.

[New-York Tribune, Sunday, May 28, 1922. Vol. LXXXII No. 27,587 Pg. 5]

This occured before Mussolini took over, “In 1921 the Fascisti, led by a close confidant of Mussolini’s, Dino Grandi, formed armed squads of war veterans called Blackshirts, (squadristi), with the goal of restoring order to the streets of Italy with a strong hand. The blackshirts clashed with communists, socialists, and anarchists at parades and demonstrations.”

So what conclusions can we draw? Gun control did not restore order,  in fact, maybe more blackshirts would have been shot if it wasn’t for the Italian’s government banishment of guns and canes.


Pleasant Hill Becoming Unpleasant.

Just half an hour from San Francisco, Pleasant Hill is becoming very unpleasant for freedom-loving people.

“PLEASANT HILL — In a surprise move, Mayor Michael Harris and Councilman David Durant on Monday presented a draft ordinance requiring a police permit for firearms and ammunition dealers.

Under the proposal, gun shops could not locate within 150 feet of a residence, within 500 feet of parks, another gun dealer, massage parlor or adult entertainment venue or within 1,000 feet of a day care or school. Store owners and employees would have to pass a criminal-background check.

Dealers also must install an alarm system and surveillance cameras. The permit must be renewed annually.

Existing firearms dealers would be exempt from the location restrictions in the ordinance, but they would have to submit employees’ background information to the Pleasant Hill police


So let’s see, the Democrats, the party that pretends to care about the people, would pass measures that would 1. Prevent new businesses from being form. 2. Force businesses to undergo expenses that might keep them out of business. 3. Do nothing to fight actual criminals.

Go earthquakes, go!

Big Jim’s Gun Ban.

I’m a huge fan of the TV show “Under the Dome,” while it’s based on a book by Stephen King, the TV show is written by different writers. Besides, I don’t think King would have liked a woman cop saying “people have a right to keep and bear arms.”

Either way, watch the clip here or click here


Stupid Doctors Should Shut Up About Guns.

I come from a family full of doctors, got two dermatologists, one general practitioner, one ophthalmologist and even a lung doctor. So we’re a regular “General Hospital” in my family. I know what it’s like to study 7 years of medical school, then postgraduate studies, then pay liability insurance, and then be told “you make too much money”.

But when “Grace-Ann Dinkins, a surgeon with the MemorialCare Health System, wishes legislators would consult trauma surgeons before casting votes about gun control.

“There are too many guns in our society,” she says, “and they often land in the wrong hands, like a school kid.”

I can only only say one thing: Shut the Hell Up! You think that because you can remove a bullet from a gangbanger you’re suddenly an expert on my right to keep and bear arms?

Do I come to your place of work and tell you how to do your job? Do you see me demanding free healthcare? You want to be like the German doctors that only make $50,000 a year?

Or how about this?

There are 700,000 physicians in the United States.
There are 120,000 accidental deaths in the United States caused by physicians every year, and the accidental death percentage per physician is 0.171.
There are 80 million gun owners in the United States.
There are 1,500 accidental deaths from guns every year (or 700 in the year 2000 according to the NRA), regardless of age group, and the accidental death percentage per gun owner is 0.0000188.

This means, the letter points out, that doctors are 9,000 times more deadly than gun owners.

Yet do you see me demanding Doctor Control? No, in fact, as a libertarian I don’t even believe a doctor should have to get a medical license. Seeing a doctor is an individual choice, I don’t think you can legislate against danger. When the FDA takes 7-years to approve a drug to “protect the public” the result is more people end up dying because they weren’t free to choose for themselves what drug they needed.

So enough with you ER bastards bitching about removing bullets from Bloods and Crips. That’s you job, dearies, you chose to work in the ER, you chose to take care of the scum of society and a few good people on occasion.

Unlike rare pro-gun doctors, most of you gun haters with a medical degree are simply ignorant people that read too much Newsweek and too little National Review. You’re misinformed, uninformed, and just like I’m not qualified to speak on trauma medicine, you’re not qualified to speak on gun control.

You want to control something? Control your own medical mistakes!