Gun Control in Venezuela.

La Piedrita is a pro-Chavez neighborhood, as you can see, gun control will never apply to the commie-loving peasants.  “Venceremos” means “We Shall Win.”

Venezuelans never had a right to keep and bear arms, not even before Chavez. Of course, the death of Chavez has not stopped draconian push for even more gun control, and contrary to The Christian Science Monitor, gun ownership was never unregulated.

Still, I assume the rest of their article is truthful, so here are the highlights.

“The CPD and Mixed Commission differed mainly over the issue of restricting the sale and carrying of legal arms. According to Fernández, “The illegal market is nourished by legal arms.” In contrast, the military faction argued that the two issues were distinct and that, with the 2012 election year coming up, they could not afford to crack down on legal arms and alienate the middle class or the armed forces.”

Elections have consequences, and even if most of the middle class voted against Maduro, the Mr. Marxist still got elected President. No need to worry about alienating the middle class now.

“The CPD’s proposal advocated for a combined arms registry; more restrictive measures on the renewal of licenses (such as a recent psychological examination); extending the regulation of weapons to cover knives and explosives; the elimination of arms carried for personal defense; and stronger control over ammunition production. All of these measures were left out of the Mixed Commission’s proposal.”

Criminals never have to go through all that, but that’s OK, because communism and socialism are not about stopping crime, they’re about treating law-abiding people as criminals. And let’s face it, what’s to keep a liberal psychologist from accusing you of suffering from paranoia because you want a gun? The commies are evil, but they’re not stupid.

“For example, while the final version requires gun licenses to be divided into various categories (sporting, hunting, transportation of goods, etc.) it allows for personal defense licenses, which the CPD wanted to eliminate. The law did create an automated system of registration for arms, parts, and ammunition that will be under the control of the Armed Forces. However, it discarded the shared registry of guns that would have allowed all state organizations to share and access information.”

Having lived in Venezuela, I can tell you that whatever laws they pass will mean nothing. Venezuela is a country where you can do anything with a bribe. Of course, those who are too poor to offer bribes, won’t get the guns they need unless they become criminals themselves and buy them in the black market.

“Furthermore, the law includes no controls over CAVIM (the state company which produces arms and ammunition for the Armed Forces), which Fernández considered a fundamental aspect of gun reform. While most guns are imported into the country, the majority of ammunition in Venezuela is produced by CAVIM. And, according to a study by the CICPC and the National Police, 80 percent of the gun shells found in homicide scenes were manufactured in the country by CAVIM.

Funny when you think about it, the State creates a monopoly of ammo and then complains when 80% of their ammo is found in homicide scenes.

“Though the Ministry of Justice issued a resolution closing all armerías (gun shops) in May of last year and both proposals by the CPD and the Mixed Commission designated the Venezuelan state as the only body legally competent to sell guns, the final law allows for the eventual reopening of gun shops and the future private commercialization of guns (though individuals are prohibited from selling guns to other individuals, and are allowed to sell their guns to the state only). Gun licenses will not be available for another two years, however, meaning that no one will be able to legally buy a gun until 2015. “

Great, so what are the owners of gun shops doing in the meantime? How are they supporting themselves? Who the hell wants to go into business in a country that can shut down your business?

The legal age for carrying a gun was raised to 25 and stricter sentences for the carrying and possession of illegal guns were established: 4-6 years of jail time for illegal possession of a gun, 4-8 for the carrying of an illegal gun, and 6-10 years for possession and carrying of guns made for war. It also penalizes the alteration of a gun’s serial numbers with 3-5 years of jail time, the introduction of guns into prisons with 8-10 years, and the firing of guns in public places with 1-3 years. Additionally, individuals are not given personal ownership of guns but are allowed conditional possession, meaning that the state can “recuperate” an individual’s gun at any time. The final law also prohibits the fabrication, selling, and carrying of knives that the CPD’s proposal included.”

This in a country where Chavez wanted to lower the voting age to 16. Why do people like socialists? When it comes to voting, they treat children like adults, when it comes to owning guns, they treat adults like children. And how are you going to jail all that people when your prisons are overcrowded? When you don’t even have a death penalty besides prisoners killing each other? When some people are sitting in jail for 3-years waiting to be tried? Venezuela is the kind of country where sometimes the poor resort to vigilante justice. Someone gets accused of rape or molestation? You better hope that guy was guilty, because the peasants will murder him.

“Ammunition is to be marked with the name of the producer, the year of production, as well as where the ammunition is to be sent. Police ammunition is now marked to identify each police body that will be using it. Authorized citizens can only buy 50 cartridges each year. This same amount is to be assigned annually to all police officers, of which more can be requested with proper justification.”

50 a year? I used to shoot 50 to 100 every Saturday back then when ammo was cheap. How the heck are you supposed to become a proficient marksman with so little ammo?

“Apart from new restrictions, the law also includes measures like a national fund to provide care and attention to victims of gunfire as well as establishing a 5 percent tax on the net earnings of businesses that sell, import, and produce arms, which will be put into this fund.Additionally, it allows for the voluntary and anonymous turning over of weapons to the National Program for the Exchange of Arms and Ammunition in exchange for education opportunities, university scholarships, employment opportunities, construction materials, etc. Both of these measures were integral to the CPD’s campaign the year before.”

Gun buybacks and punitive taxes. You know, Venezuela is a Democrat’s wet dream. Hey Bloomberg, what the hell are you doing in New York? Come to Caracas! Enjoy some of the highest crime rates with the toughest gun laws.

Another thing Democrats might like is that in Venezuela you are guilty until proven innocent. Doesn’t that make things easier? Forget Guantanamo, forget rendition, the Venezuelan system is perfect to lock up all your political enemies.

Folks, the reason I’m sharing this story is because it can happen here. The irony is that Simon Bolivar, the liberator of Venezuela, Panama, Colombia, Bolivia and Peru, was influenced by Washington and Jefferson. In fact, he wasn’t that different, he was born in a rich coffee plantation, he visited Europe, he was educated, and like America’s founding fathers, the Venezuelan movement for independence began with rich planters tired of paying of being forced to sell their coffee for low prices to Spain.

Venezuela like America, went through years of bad politicians from the two major parties, then one day Chavez got elected, like Obama, he to was a man of hope and change, but unlike Obama, he was able to do even more damage. The Venezuelan equivalent of Fox News was shut down, making fun of the president was outlawed, lands that weren’t being used were confiscated, the minimum wage was raised many times (resulting in huge inflation), the same with price controls, currency controls, and all those things socialists like to do.

So I share this story with you as a cautionary tale. Socialism is both evil in theory and in practice, the 99% mentality only leads to massive poverty and suffering, collectivism, altruism, and this idea that you must sacrifice for your neighbors’ needs, that you must deny yourself, that wealth should be spread, all of that leads to disaster.

A lot of Venezuelans have left to Miami, specially Weston, and they’re doing great. They’re not “stealing jobs,” but creating them. Opening everything from bakeries and laundry shops and not taking a dime of welfare. Unlike illegal aliens, they don’t come here with a sense of entitlement, unlike the Mexican “La Raza,” Venezuelans never had an obsession with race.

Of course, if America becomes like Venezuela, where will they go? Where will we go? So stand proud against multiculturalism, stand proud against foreign ideas, specially the foreign ideas of AINOS (Americans In Name Only). The way I see it, the worst enemy is not the legal immigrant seeking a better way of life, but the AINO looking to transform America into something else.



Maher loves Weiner.

Bill Maher loves Weiner.

First we have whore-monger and gun-banning Spitzer refusing to defend Weiner.

Then we have gun-hating and c-nt-calling Maher giving Weiner a hand.

“In the not too distant future, we will elect a president whose penis we have all seen.”


“And finally, New Rule: If South Carolina country folk can forgive Mark Sanford for a cheatin’ and a lyin’ on the Appalachian Trail, then Manhattan intellectuals can forgive Anthony Weiner for basically masturbating online,” Maher proclaimed.

The difference is that Sanford got divorced and MARRIED the woman he committed adultery with. Republicans aren’t perfect, but they either make it right or get out (ask Larry Craig and Mark Foley).

Maybe Maher should tell Weiner and Spitzer to control their wieners instead of our guns?

Is that too hard?