Chuck Control.

Chuck Control.

“Yes, this really is Sen. Schumer blazing away with a TEC-9. I remember seeing it, or one like, it on several years ago, and forwarding the story to friends with the note that if Schumer weren’t such an anti-gun putz, he’d have NRA-certified instructors on the range who would ensure that he had appropriate eye protection, and a proper grip and stance. The event was a demonstration of the outrageous destructive power of immoral assault weapons, or some such nonsense.” –Sean Flynn

His Gun Ban Record:

Renew assault weapons ban – no legitimate use for them.
Cutting record-keeping limits fosters gun sale fraud & abuse.
Close the Gun Show Loophole; restrict show sales: Ban large-capacity ammunition: YES on banning high-capacity magazines of over 10 bullets:
NO on loosening license & background checks at gun shows:
YES on background checks at gun shows:
NO on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence:
NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers:
NO on prohibiting foreign & UN aid that restricts US gun ownership:
NO on allowing firearms in checked baggage on Amtrak trains:

So Chucky, WTF?!?!

Sheila Jackson Lee Wants You To Retreat.

Sheila Jackson Lee Wants You To Retreat.

The pink cowboy of Texas is threatening to cut funding to any State that doesn’t get rid of Stand Your Ground.

“For states that do not require a duty to retreat, we will question their federal funding and assess their Justice Department funding and reduce it by 20 percent.”

Now I know a lot of Representatives can open their holes and spew all kinds of nonsense, but I have news for you, Sheila, both President Jackson and General Lee supported the Second Amendment, both loved guns. So if you hate them, maybe you should change your name to Sheila Bloomberg Pelosi or Sheila Hitler Stalin or Sheila Castro Chavez. Not black enough for you? Then let’s call you Sheila Amin Mugabe, like the dictators of Zimbabwe and Uganda.