Zimmerman arrested over domestic disturbance.

No bruises this time, not good, George, not good.

I don’t understand George Zimmerman, he’s gotten arrested again:

NBC News is reporting that George Zimmerman has been arrested in Florida following a disturbance call:

Authorities told WESH Orlando that the arrest was due to a “domestic violence” incident with an unnamed “girlfriend” of Zimmerman’s. He was taken into Seminole County Jail at approximately 1pm ET Monday.

Source: Mediaite and http://www.wesh.com/trayvon-martin-extended-coverage/george-zimmerman-arrested-for-domestic-violence/-/14266478/23030620/-/mum7eh/-/index.html?absolute=true


Come on, Zimmerman! I can’t keep defending you if you keep getting arrested. You need to start doing interviews, start a blog, maybe get a job at a gun store. I know you’re getting death threats, but hiding isn’t helping your career either.

UPDATE: He pointed a gun at his girlfriend.


According to Lemma, officials were notified about 12:30 p.m. of a verbal dispute at the home of Zimmerman’s girlfriend, where the former neighborhood watch volunteer also lived. Lemma said the details were unclear but it appeared that the couple was in the process of breaking up.

The girlfriend said Zimmerman broke a table and pointed “a long-barreled shotgun” at her, Lemma said. Zimmerman pushed the woman out of the home and barricaded the door, he said.

Source: http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-george-zimmerman-arrests-20131118,0,7859772.story#axzz2l3qhiaVV


Really George? I can understand you shooting Trayvon, but pointing your gun at your girlfriend? Was she beating the crap out of you? Yeah, I know females can hit men, even kill men, but come on, George, you can’t be a hero of the Second Amendment if you keep getting in trouble.

You can piss off the liberals, but when you piss off everyday gun owners, we’re gonna have a problem. Wise up, Zimmerman, see a shrink, go to rehab, do what you have to do, because you don’t want to end up in jail and we’re running out of unbiased juries.

You saw what happened to OJ Simpson, if the Court of Law finds you “not guilty” but the Court of Public Opinion finds you guilty, eventually they’ll drag you back to court, you’ll get a guilty verdict, and the judge will give you the maximum unless you plea bargain. And here’s the thing, George, OJ is with his hommies, his “brothas,” that’s why he’s gotten so fat in prison, because if he wasn’t popular, he’d be working out and building those biceps to avoid those “who dropped the soap?” moments.

Wise up, Zimmerman.