Tag Archives: Gannicus

Lack of Sword Control Blamed for Spartacus Rebellion.

Lack of Sword Control Blamed for Spartacus Rebellion.

By now every Citizen of Capua has already heard of the horror that recently occurred at the House of Batiatus. Spartacus, a known gladiator, played a major role in a violent rebellion. He led and assisted a large group of men to steal an assortment of swords and used the weapons to attack the citizens that attended a lavish party that began with a fight sine missione between Crixus and Spartacus and ended with over 50 guests dead. Many people are beginning to wonder: why would someone do this?  It seems that a large number of people are looking at the weapons used, rather than the individuals involved. They believe that if they did not have the weapons to begin with, then this tragedy would never have occurred.

“Swords are, and always have been made for one purpose, kill people. This violent behavior has to stop! When anyone, especially people like these gladiators, has access to any sort of weapon, these types of tragedies occur.” The Mayors Against Illegal Swords issued a statement regarding the recent attack. “Gods have mercy, there are forges on every street and a man can simply walk in and purchase one of these killing machines. Where will it end? Will every man, woman, and child carries a sword on their hip? There is no reason for citizens to arm themselves. We need to regulate these purchase, have strict background checks, and we certainly need registries to keep track of all who own any of these weapons.”

In response to the attacks, the National Sword Association has quickly come to the defense of what it believes to be the rights of every citizen. “Swords do not kill people, violent murderous gladiators kill people. If someone truly wants to kill another human being, they will find a way. This is why every man should be able to defend his family and land. He needs a weapon to defend himself against these violent attackers. If those party goers had daggers hidden in their togas, the night would have gone a lot differently.”

Many people feel that these gladiators and weapons are causing our society to become more violent. This only causes the battle over swords to rage on. Both sides have strong opinions and it doesn’t seem as if they are ready to make any sort of compromise. In any case, we all mourn the losses of the citizens killed in the violent attack by the gladiator Spartacus and his confederates.